Are there trees in Iceland?
Are there trees in Iceland?
By Michael Chapman
Reforestation efforts are underway to restore Iceland's formerly lush woodlands.
Yes, visitors will find many tree species across the country, the most common being Birch, Poplar, Pine and Rowan. However, there is no denying that Iceland is deprived of vast wooded areas, with only a few locations—including Hallormsstaðaskógur in East Iceland, and Reykjavík's Öskjuhlíð Hill—that constitute actual forests.
While forests are an everyday sight across much of mainland Europe and North America, Iceland bucks the trend, trading in its trees for stark lava fields, glacial valleys and vast black sand deserts. Where there are trees, they tend to be young, relatively small and concentrated in preorganised patches. Such diminutive woodlands has led to the widely-shared Icelandic wisecrack;
‘What’s your best move if you get lost in an Icelandic forest?’
‘Just stand up!’

This absence of sprawling forests—or, indeed many trees at all—is one of the first things international visitors notice upon their arrival. Stepping out of Keflavík Airport, the gnarled, liquorice-black rocks of Reykjanes Peninsula are visible at once, stretching out to distant hilltops whose sparse slopes are forever exposed to the elements.
This scarcity of flora leaves us with a poignant question. Has Iceland always been short of trees, and if not, what happened to change the look, no less the make-up of this island so drastically?
Yes, visitors will find many tree species across the country, the most common being Birch, Poplar, Pine and Rowan. However, there is no denying that Iceland is deprived of vast wooded areas, with only a few locations—including Hallormsstaðaskógur in East Iceland, and Reykjavík’s Öskjuhlíð Hill—that constitute actual forests.
While forests are an everyday sight across much of mainland Europe and North America, Iceland bucks the trend, trading in its trees for stark lava fields, glacial valleys and vast black sand deserts. Where there are trees, they tend to be young, relatively small and concentrated in preorganised patches. Such diminutive woodlands has led to the widely-shared Icelandic wisecrack;
‘What’s your best move if you get lost in an Icelandic forest?’
‘Just stand up!’

This absence of sprawling forests—or, indeed many trees at all—is one of the first things international visitors notice upon their arrival. Stepping out of Keflavík Airport, the gnarled, liquorice-black rocks of Reykjanes Peninsula are visible at once, stretching out to distant hilltops whose sparse slopes are forever exposed to the elements.
This scarcity of flora leaves us with a poignant question. Has Iceland always been short of trees, and if not, what happened to change the look, no less the make-up of this island so drastically?
How did Iceland lose its forests?
The picturesque and instantly-recognisable desolation that characterises much of Iceland was not always so prominent. Whereas meadows and deserts, glacial expanses and steamy geothermal highlands are now considered iconic of Icelandic nature, the island has changed dramatically over the centuries.

According to scientific records, between 20-40% of the country was dense with forest cover when humans first arrived around 870 AD. The ancient Landnámabók—a saga better known as the Book of Settlement—confirms this with its poetic description of land “covered with wood between the seashore and the mountains.”
In a bid to survive the hardships of their newfound home, the early settlers chopped down trees with alarming speed, using the timber for fuel, home and shipbuilding, while clearing the remainder of the space for agriculture—typical for all agrarian societies. Given that the landmass was only 15 million years old at the settlement point, it is widely agreed upon among scientists that the ecosystem was not primed to deal with such a sudden influx of resource-hungry organisms.

Charcoal was an essential product sourced from the forest, vital for the smelting of iron and manufacturing of tools. This reliance on charcoal was only alleviated in the mid-19th century when Icelandic farmers could import new equipment from overseas. The local people were still using wood as fuel to heat their homes as late as 1940, which is an incredible thought given the country’s self-reliance on geothermal energy today.
By then, of course, much of the landscape had already been pilfered of its resources. Eyeing our surroundings now, the most evident reminder of the settlers’ past action is the barren and windswept country they left behind.
Though so not visible, another lasting consequence is soil quality, which is decidedly poor here in Iceland. Soil erosion is the greatest obstacle faced by those looking to reforest the land and refers to how the top layer of any given soil is displaced over time by water, wind and ice.

Farming is among the worst culprits of soil erosion. Given that sheep have been a staple of the Icelandic diet since around 1300 AD, local agriculture has had enormous influence over which flora prospers, and which dies out. Many foresters refer to Iceland as the ‘wet desert’ given the difficulties of planting now flora.
Humans and livestock are not solely to blame for Iceland’s deforestation, however. Sporadic volcanic disturbances and various periods of rapid cooling can also be pegged as reasons for why Iceland’s forests diminished in such a short period.
How did Iceland lose its forests?
The picturesque and instantly-recognisable desolation that characterises much of Iceland was not always so prominent. Whereas meadows and deserts, glacial expanses and steamy geothermal highlands are now considered iconic of Icelandic nature, the island has changed dramatically over the centuries.

According to scientific records, between 20-40% of the country was dense with forest cover when humans first arrived around 870 AD. The ancient Landnámabók—a saga better known as the Book of Settlement—confirms this with its poetic description of land “covered with wood between the seashore and the mountains.”
In a bid to survive the hardships of their newfound home, the early settlers chopped down trees with alarming speed, using the timber for fuel, home and shipbuilding, while clearing the remainder of the space for agriculture—typical for all agrarian societies. Given that the landmass was only 15 million years old at the settlement point, it is widely agreed upon among scientists that the ecosystem was not primed to deal with such a sudden influx of resource-hungry organisms.

Charcoal was an essential product sourced from the forest, vital for the smelting of iron and manufacturing of tools. This reliance on charcoal was only alleviated in the mid-19th century when Icelandic farmers could import new equipment from overseas. The local people were still using wood as fuel to heat their homes as late as 1940, which is an incredible thought given the country’s self-reliance on geothermal energy today.
By then, of course, much of the landscape had already been pilfered of its resources. Eyeing our surroundings now, the most evident reminder of the settlers’ past action is the barren and windswept country they left behind.
Though so not visible, another lasting consequence is soil quality, which is decidedly poor here in Iceland. Soil erosion is the greatest obstacle faced by those looking to reforest the land and refers to how the top layer of any given soil is displaced over time by water, wind and ice.

Farming is among the worst culprits of soil erosion. Given that sheep have been a staple of the Icelandic diet since around 1300 AD, local agriculture has had enormous influence over which flora prospers, and which dies out. Many foresters refer to Iceland as the ‘wet desert’ given the difficulties of planting now flora.
Humans and livestock are not solely to blame for Iceland’s deforestation, however. Sporadic volcanic disturbances and various periods of rapid cooling can also be pegged as reasons for why Iceland’s forests diminished in such a short period.
Is Iceland planting new trees?

Reforestation efforts are underway to transform this island’s landscape into one of rich, luscious woodlands. Planting and restocking is a relatively new concept here; less than a century ago, most Icelanders would have believed it impossible that any tree could grow in Iceland, let alone entire patches of woodland.
A greater level of forest management experience and a deeper scientific understanding have helped shift this perspective among the local populace away from draining resources to preserving them. In our modern era, most Icelanders are all too aware of the benefits and rewards that future forests might provide, a realisation which has helped bolster the nation’s image as environmentally proactive.
Regardless of this positive change in attitude, Iceland’s climate is still openly hostile for much of the year, making for slow progress regarding reforestation. Bear in mind, before a single tree is planted, a base-level of vegetation must be first grown, which takes time and luck to be successful.

It is because of these odds that only around 0.5% of Iceland’s landmass is forested today. Still, the country has seen between 3 – 4 million trees planted since 2015, which only goes to show the motivation is there to surmount the challenges posed by the environment.
Other issues that must be overcome are Iceland’s reliance on grazing animals and the more significant threat posed by global warming, which tends to be behind the death of many young saplings, including those of the native birch.
The Icelandic government has aimed for 5% forest cover in fifty years, though given what we’ve learnt, many foresters consider this to be overly-ambitious. Regardless, among the new trees being planted are larch, Alaska aspen, Sitka spruce and logdgepoles. While young now, future generations looking upon these new additions to Iceland’s wildlife will, no doubt, be grateful for the efforts we made today.
Is Iceland planting new trees?

Reforestation efforts are underway to transform this island’s landscape into one of rich, luscious woodlands. Planting and restocking is a relatively new concept here; less than a century ago, most Icelanders would have believed it impossible that any tree could grow in Iceland, let alone entire patches of woodland.
A greater level of forest management experience and a deeper scientific understanding have helped shift this perspective among the local populace away from draining resources to preserving them. In our modern era, most Icelanders are all too aware of the benefits and rewards that future forests might provide, a realisation which has helped bolster the nation’s image as environmentally proactive.
Regardless of this positive change in attitude, Iceland’s climate is still openly hostile for much of the year, making for slow progress regarding reforestation. Bear in mind, before a single tree is planted, a base-level of vegetation must be first grown, which takes time and luck to be successful.

It is because of these odds that only around 0.5% of Iceland’s landmass is forested today. Still, the country has seen between 3 – 4 million trees planted since 2015, which only goes to show the motivation is there to surmount the challenges posed by the environment.
Other issues that must be overcome are Iceland’s reliance on grazing animals and the more significant threat posed by global warming, which tends to be behind the death of many young saplings, including those of the native birch.
The Icelandic government has aimed for 5% forest cover in fifty years, though given what we’ve learnt, many foresters consider this to be overly-ambitious. Regardless, among the new trees being planted are larch, Alaska aspen, Sitka spruce and logdgepoles. While young now, future generations looking upon these new additions to Iceland’s wildlife will, no doubt, be grateful for the efforts we made today.
Where do trees grow in Iceland?

As previously mentioned, the most common trees seen in Iceland are Rowan, Poplar and Birch, as these tend to be prioritised in reforestation projects. Patches of these woods can be seen throughout the country. With that said, many other species contribute to this island’s biodiversity, if only you know where to look!
Hallormsstaðaskógur, in the east of the country, is Iceland’s largest national forest, made up primarily of native dwarf and mountain birch trees. We say primarily because around ninety species of foreign tree from over 177 locations worldwide can be seen while strolling one of the forest’s pleasant hiking trails. Thankfully, each species comes with an information board that lists more details on each plant and its origins.
Hallormsstaðaskógur is something of an amolay in Iceland. The site began with the planting of fifty saplings in 1905, making it the first and largest protected forest in Iceland. This status has had a litany of positive effects in the years since then. A plethora of wild berries now grow there, ready for the picking, and the forest homes a very diverse range of bird species, including the likes of Redpolls and Goldcrests.

Today, this area on the banks of Lake Lagarfljot is spread over 740 scenic hectares, and as such, attracts thousands of campers, cyclists and picnickers every single year. Don’t miss out on paying a visit yourself should you travel around East Iceland in the future.
In sheltered areas and greenhouses, some intuitive locals have even taken to growing their own fruit trees; something that would have been considered all but impossible not that long ago. Apples and tomatoes are now considered something of a speciality, and bananas have been grown here since the 1940s. Such success shows a real determination in the Icelandic people to cultivate entirely new ecosystems and crops across their land.

One location it is possible to appreciate just how much potential Iceland has for growing new species of plants is Lystigarður Akureyrar, better known as the Akureyri Botanical Gardens. Despite its proximity to the Arctic Circle, this quaint and colourful attraction boasts over 7000 different flora types, securing it as a fantastic family outing for summer visitors.
In Iceland’s official capital, Reykjavík, the best known forested area is Öskjuhlíð Hill, where the famed landmark, Perlan Museum and Observation Deck, is also found. Popular with city residents looking for a quick escape into nature, over 200,000 trees have been planted on the site since the project began in 1950. Visitors to this beloved hill should also check out the abandoned WW2 outposts, as well as the geothermal beach, Nauthólsvík.
If you’re looking for a comprehensive list as to where all of Iceland’s National Forests can be found, make sure to peruse this map by the Icelandic Forest Service.
Where do trees grow in Iceland?

As previously mentioned, the most common trees seen in Iceland are Rowan, Poplar and Birch, as these tend to be prioritised in reforestation projects. Patches of these woods can be seen throughout the country. With that said, many other species contribute to this island’s biodiversity, if only you know where to look!
Hallormsstaðaskógur, in the east of the country, is Iceland’s largest national forest, made up primarily of native dwarf and mountain birch trees. We say primarily because around ninety species of foreign tree from over 177 locations worldwide can be seen while strolling one of the forest’s pleasant hiking trails. Thankfully, each species comes with an information board that lists more details on each plant and its origins.
Hallormsstaðaskógur is something of an amolay in Iceland. The site began with the planting of fifty saplings in 1905, making it the first and largest protected forest in Iceland. This status has had a litany of positive effects in the years since then. A plethora of wild berries now grow there, ready for the picking, and the forest homes a very diverse range of bird species, including the likes of Redpolls and Goldcrests.

Today, this area on the banks of Lake Lagarfljot is spread over 740 scenic hectares, and as such, attracts thousands of campers, cyclists and picnickers every single year. Don’t miss out on paying a visit yourself should you travel around East Iceland in the future.
In sheltered areas and greenhouses, some intuitive locals have even taken to growing their own fruit trees; something that would have been considered all but impossible not that long ago. Apples and tomatoes are now considered something of a speciality, and bananas have been grown here since the 1940s. Such success shows a real determination in the Icelandic people to cultivate entirely new ecosystems and crops across their land.

One location it is possible to appreciate just how much potential Iceland has for growing new species of plants is Lystigarður Akureyrar, better known as the Akureyri Botanical Gardens. Despite its proximity to the Arctic Circle, this quaint and colourful attraction boasts over 7000 different flora types, securing it as a fantastic family outing for summer visitors.
In Iceland’s official capital, Reykjavík, the best known forested area is Öskjuhlíð Hill, where the famed landmark, Perlan Museum and Observation Deck, is also found. Popular with city residents looking for a quick escape into nature, over 200,000 trees have been planted on the site since the project began in 1950. Visitors to this beloved hill should also check out the abandoned WW2 outposts, as well as the geothermal beach, Nauthólsvík.
If you’re looking for a comprehensive list as to where all of Iceland’s National Forests can be found, make sure to peruse this map by the Icelandic Forest Service.
Experience Iceland's Forest in a Bubble

Without a doubt, one of the best means of experiencing an Icelandic forest is to spend a night or two in one of our fantastic bubbles. We offer two locations that maximise the beauty and ambience of Iceland’s forests, culminating in a tranquil overnight experience quite unlike anything you’ve experienced before.
Nestled amid the trees and vegetation, this novel, yet highly sought-after accommodation, allows guests to reconnect with the environment’s natural rhythms in comfort and style. With their transparent walls and ceilings, you will have a 360-degree panorama of the pine and shrubbery from inside your cosy bubble, not mentioning the wide-open skies above.

In summer, you’ll find these woodlands bathed in the apricot wash of the Midnight Sun, while the winter welcomes in virgin snowfall, intricate frost sculptures, and the promise of witnessing the elusive Aurora Borealis. Whatever season you choose to visit us, a stay at the Bubble hotel is sure to provide you with both lasting memories and a newfound appreciation of the world around you.
Perfect for stargazers, Northern Lights hunters and all-round nature-lovers, choosing one of our bubbles is choosing to spend the most luxurious night in the wilderness you’ll likely ever have. During the day, you have both the famous Golden Circle and South Coast sightseeing routes on your doorstep, allowing you to see Iceland’s most beloved natural attractions.

For those who want peak immersion, might we recommend our new hanging bubble. This stunning addition to our accommodation choices will sure to bring new heights to your experience in the forest. Make sure to check out our guided tours and overnight packages before you decide to discover Iceland’s small, yet beautiful forests for yourself.
Experience Iceland's Forest in a Bubble

Without a doubt, one of the best means of experiencing an Icelandic forest is to spend a night or two in one of our fantastic bubbles. We offer two locations that maximise the beauty and ambience of Iceland’s forests, culminating in a tranquil overnight experience quite unlike anything you’ve experienced before.
Nestled amid the trees and vegetation, this novel, yet highly sought-after accommodation, allows guests to reconnect with the environment’s natural rhythms in comfort and style. With their transparent walls and ceilings, you will have a 360-degree panorama of the pine and shrubbery from inside your cosy bubble, not mentioning the wide-open skies above.

In summer, you’ll find these woodlands bathed in the apricot wash of the Midnight Sun, while the winter welcomes in virgin snowfall, intricate frost sculptures, and the promise of witnessing the elusive Aurora Borealis. Whatever season you choose to visit us, a stay at the Bubble hotel is sure to provide you with both lasting memories and a newfound appreciation of the world around you.
Perfect for stargazers, Northern Lights hunters and all-round nature-lovers, choosing one of our bubbles is choosing to spend the most luxurious night in the wilderness you’ll likely ever have. During the day, you have both the famous Golden Circle and South Coast sightseeing routes on your doorstep, allowing you to see Iceland’s most beloved natural attractions.

For those who want peak immersion, might we recommend our new hanging bubble. This stunning addition to our accommodation choices will sure to bring new heights to your experience in the forest. Make sure to check out our guided tours and overnight packages before you decide to discover Iceland’s small, yet beautiful forests for yourself.
About Iceland's Breathtaking Black Sand Beach
About Iceland's Black Sand Beach
By Michael Chapman
The hauntingly beautiful Reynisfjara beach is one of South Iceland's most beloved sites.
About Iceland's Black Sand Beach
By Michael Chapman
The hauntingly beautiful Reynisfjara beach is one of South Iceland's most beloved sites.
With its inky coastlines and stunning highland interior, Iceland has grown into its reputation as a true paradise for those looking to immerse themselves in nature at its most unusual.
Much like its creeping glaciers, mountain peaks, and moss-blanketed lava fields, Iceland’s volcanic beaches draw visitors to this country in their thousands.
Much of this interest can be attributed to Reynisfjara, which has been attracting guests since National Geographic magazine voted it among the top ten of the planet’s most beautiful non-tropical beaches back in 1991.
Neither its reputation nor its beauty has diminished over the years. In fact, with more exposure than ever before, this particular stretch of shoreline could be considered at the height of its popularity. The shoreline’s stark monotone shades, distinctive geology and relative proximity to Iceland’s capital city, Reykjavík, all bolster this fact.
If you’re looking to visit this iconic beach during your travels, make sure to read on and learn all the essential travel information before you arrive.
Why does Iceland have black sand beaches?
Whereas most beaches on Earth are either pebbled or host to golden sands, those in Iceland are dark obsidian in colour.
Generally, sand colour depends on the rocks from which it originated, with tan-coloured quartz and feldspar being the two most common materials found elsewhere.
Iceland, on the other hand, was formed through a series of historical volcanic eruptions. There are over 200 volcanoes on the island, many of which remain active and capable of shaping the terrain around them.

Iceland’s black sand beaches, now famous the world over, are just one of the fascinating geological consequences that have arisen due to these prior eruptions.
When flowing lava contacts seawater, a violent, yet spectacular reaction occurs. The lava enters a rapid cooldown phase immediately, breaking down into tiny debris particles that become scattered over vast distances.
This process does not change the rock’s colour, merely its density, leaving Iceland’s shorelines as a stunning reminder as to how this country’s natural beauty came first about.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
Why is Reynisfjara considered the best black sand beach in Iceland?

With its unique, jet-black pebbles, peculiar basalt columns and towering rock stack, it is no wonder that Reynisfjara holds an iconic status among Icelandic natural attractions.
Reynisfjara is the most famous of its contemporaries for a variety of reasons. The first is practical, as it is located roughly at the centre-bottom of South Iceland. These coordinates have made it, and the adjacent village of Vík í Mýrdal, popular stops for travellers looking for excitement while passing through the area.
The second reason falls to a cluster of 66-metre high (217 ft) basalt rock stacks that stand off the shoreline. Known as Reynisdrangar, this compelling landmark compliments South Iceland surroundings landscape no-end, adding drama and grand scale to an otherwise remote location.

There are even more novelties that make Reynifjara worthy of your interest. On the opposite side to the ocean, the beach is enclosed by steep cliff edges that rise upward like a grey pyramid. Named Garðar after a nearby farmstead, ancient lava flows have shaped the rock face into near-perfect octagonal columns, making them a wonder unto themselves.
Getting photographed sitting atop these naturally formed steps is a matter of tradition for many guests eager to contribute their own pictures to the thousands found across social media.
Further along the beach, Reynisfjara boasts its own pirate’s grotto, a damp seaside cove often overlooked by guests hurrying to pack their days. Known as Hálsanefshellir cave, this enormous chamber sees the distinctive Garðar columns extend across its ceiling and walls, the natural design so intricate as to appear sculpted by hands.

Where is the black sand beach in Iceland
Reynisfjara sits beside the quaint coastal village, Vík í Mýrdal, and is considered a staple stop for sightseeing tours in South Iceland. Despite being home to little more than 300 or so people, Vík (as it is shortened) serves as the optimum spot to grab a bite to eat or bed down for the night.
Reykjavík, where most visitors will be departing, is approximately 180 kilometres (112 miles) to Reynisfjara. Vík í Mýrdal lies directly on Iceland’s Ring Road, meaning guests will have to drive around two and a half hours to reach the beach, not accounting for the pit stops and points-of-interest en route.

Reynisfjara and Reynisdrangar in Icelandic Folklore
Icelandic folklore is a rich tapestry of ancient tales, passed down generation-to-generation by word-of-mouth and through the Sagas’ epic poetry.
Unsurprisingly, Reynisdrangar has not escaped from inspiring storytellers, with many yarns and anecdotes having been spun about this fantastical place over the last thousand years.

One story speaks of two trolls, now considered extinct in Iceland, caught in the sunlight while dragging their boats to shore. All that was left of their petrified bodies was the Reynisdrangar rock stacks, exposed to the air, sky and waves for the remainder of eternity. Another story claims the same trolls were frozen as revenge for stealing a local farmer’s wife.
In either case, it’s the trolls that got the short-end of the stick (—as trolls are liable to do). While scientists and mystics will differ as to these claims’ veracity, there is no denying the tangible sense of magic, of mystery, this beach draws out of those who visit.
Such thoughts occurred, at one time or another, to the location scouts of HBO’s popular ‘Game of Thrones,’ who utilised Reynisfjara as Eastwatch-by-the-Sea in two episodes of the show’s seventh season. Of course, hours could be spent arguing over whether Game of Thrones constitutes a modern-day folktale, but we thought it was worth mentioning here nonetheless.
Is Reynisfjara black sand beach safe to visit?

While it might seem counterintuitive to visit an area considered dangerous, there are certain safety precautions you must keep in mind at Reynisfjara. Signposts along the beach allude to ‘Sneaker Waves’; these have a habit of catching off-guard guests who venture too close to the water. More than capable of pulling an adult out with it, this water barely, a few celsius, is almost impossible to escape from.
These warnings must be taken as gospel, as anyone unlucky enough to be dragged out to sea at Reynisfjara will soon fall victim to dangerous rip currents, deteriorating a dire situation further. Even on apparently calm days, there is no telling how the waves will behave; some roll in small, others surge up the sand as if from nowhere, shocking all who witness it. If ever there was a place to supervise your children closely, this would be it.

A quick search on YouTube will persuade you that, indeed, the beach poses an all-too-real threat for those who dismiss the warning signs as overly cautious. Regardless of how epic the surrounding area might be, the North Atlantic ocean is notoriously unpredictable, cold and more-than-capable of reaching right up the shore. If there’s a lesson here, make it this; don’t ever turn your back on the water. Remain vigilant at all times.
While there is no question Reynisfjara is one of Iceland’s most beautiful sites, it is imperative to respect the beach from a distance that ensures the safety of your party. Unfortunately, fatal accidents have occurred at the site in the past, which should only go-to-show how vital it is to trust the mandated advice.
Do not assume the area is safe just because others at the beach act like it’s so, and avoid visiting during bouts of rough weather. Iceland’s nature is a sight to behold, but never at the expense of one’s life.
Does Iceland have other black sand beaches?

Yes, you can find black sand beaches all around the country, and many are arguably just as beautiful as Reynisfjara. In truth, most of Iceland’s beaches can be constituted as ‘black sand’, though some are more famous than others. Make sure to get out and explore during your time here—you might find a hidden gem, just to yourself.
In South Iceland, we have the sands surrounding Dyrhólaey promenade, the dark vastness of Solheimasandur, and further east, the iceberg-lined shores of Diamond Beach. While sightseeing on the South Coast, you can visit all these locations, best spread out over a few days.
Those remaining in Iceland’s Capital Region will want to pay a visit to Seltjörn, a black sand beach located on the sublime Seltjarnarnes Peninsula. Home to Grotta lighthouse, this area is popular among stargazers, Northern Lights hunters, and anyone looking for a quick break from city life. A mere ten minutes drive from downtown Reykjavík, pack a towel and try out the soothing foot bath, free-to-use for all those in the vicinity of the lighthouse.

The Snæfellsnes Peninsula has its share of black sand beaches, the best known being Djúpalónssandur, with its gnarled volcanic rocks and small aquamarine ponds. Snæfellsnes offers stranger sights than black sand beaches, however. While it’s odd that golden sand is considered a novelty in Iceland, visitors can find just that at Skarðsvík Bay. On sunny days, this remote, albeit gorgeous site resembles a stretch of Mediterranean shoreline.
If you’re looking for something to blow all else from the water, then Rauðisandur, or Red Sands, in the Westfjords will suit your needs. As its name suggests, this 10-kilometre long beach boasts almost maroon-coloured sand that is, in fact, primarily composed of crushed scallop shells. Seals are known to frequently lounge in this area, so keep your eyes peeled for local wildlife.
What attractions are nearby to Reynisfjara in Iceland?

If you’re planning this most famous of Iceland’s black sand beaches, then you’ll want to make sure you check out other great attractions in the area. (Frankly, doing otherwise is downright negligent.)
Dyrhólaey promontory is one site worthy of a visit, beloved by guests and locals alike for its towering bird cliffs, photogenic lighthouse and impressive rock arch. Aside from the fact that South Iceland’s views are truly spectacular from Dyrhólaey, Atlantic Puffins nest here each summer, making it a must-stop on any sightseeing tour.
Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss waterfalls are also found on the South Coast, both visible to passing drivers from the Ring Road. These two are considered among the most famous sights not just in South Iceland, but the entire country, so make sure to schedule time in for a visit.

At sixty metres high (197 ft), Seljalandsfoss is a narrow waterfall that cascades over an ancient sea cliff, with a makeshift trail that leads directly behind the water. Only a five-minute stroll from Seljalandsfoss is another waterfall called Gljúfrabúi, hidden inside the crevasse of a canyon wall.
A short drive away, Skógafoss waterfall is much broader and more powerful than Seljalandsfoss, and as such, emits an enormous plume of steam at its base. Photographers use this water vapour to play tricks with the light, adding double rainbows to their images.
According to legends, the treasure of a former Viking resides behind Skógafoss waterfall. However, some locals embellish the tale further, claiming that this concealed gold is protected by a mean old troll afraid to step out from his cave into the light.
Whatever the case, you’ll appreciate stunning views of this colossal landmark, both from the lagoon at the base of the waterfall, and the viewing platform up top which can be reached by a wooden staircase.
What season shall I visit Reynisfjara in Iceland?

Given its easy accessibility just off the Ring Road, Reynisfjara can be visited regardless of whether you choose to visit in the summer or winter. Both seasons offer their advantages and disadvantages.
During the winter, the black pebbles and snow congregate together to form stunning contrasts beneath your feet, and there is no describing that breathtaking sensation of seeing the mountains above the beach cloaked in white.
Another benefit of visiting Reynisfjara during the winter is that you will have a better chance of avoiding the crowds. As aforementioned, Reynisfjara is one of Iceland’s most popular attractions, so extra consideration should be taken if you’re hoping to have the area to yourself, or as close to as possible.

While you may find yourself joined by other travelling parties during the summer, you will have more daylight hours in which to appreciate the beach. Such an abundance of sunlight is perfect for those visitors looking to stretch out their journey, making sure to maximise their time at each stop.
On top of that, better weather will be advantageous for seeing further into the distance, allowing you a better view of the surrounding countryside. Given the breadth of beauty South Iceland offers, this point has more value than you might at first realise.
In summary, it matters not when you choose to discover Reynisfjara, only that you take the time to do so. Stepping onto its jet-black stones, breathing in that salty sea air, culminates in an experience like no other. With vast views over the ocean and encircling mountains, you’ll no doubt be pleased you made the extra effort.

Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
Where was Love on Iceland filmed?
Where was Love on Iceland filmed?
By Michael Chapman
Chloe discovers more than just sheep, mountains and glacier lagoons when her ex-boyfriend, Charlie, arrives on her Iceland vacation unexpectedly...
Where was Love on Iceland filmed?
By Michael Chapman
Chloe discovers more than just sheep, mountains and glacier lagoons when her ex-boyfriend, Charlie, arrives on her Iceland vacation unexpectedly...
Love on Iceland is a Hallmark romantic-comedy directed by Clare Niederpruem and starring Kaitlin Doubleday and Colin Donnell as former partners reigniting their passion while travelling around Iceland.
Doubleday plays the part of Chloe, an overworked American podcaster looking to bring her boss new ideas by taking a trip abroad with her friends, played by Patti Murin and Preston Sadleir. But when Chloe’s ex-boyfriend and high school sweetheart, Charlie (Colin Donnell), tags along without invitation, things soon heat up in unexpected ways—fortunate, given the winter conditions.
The production marks the first time the Hallmark Channel has used Iceland as a shooting location, and the filmmakers have made the most of the photographic opportunities offered. This is something Love on Iceland does incredibly well, showcasing their exquisite choice of setting with wide sweeping shots that all but pop from the screen.

One can’t help but get the impression watching Love on Iceland that the filmmakers were grateful for the chance to shoot somewhere other than Canada. Such is the remarkable job they’ve done translating Iceland to the big screen. The film was shot in fifteen days, edited in two weeks, and premiered for the first time in January 2020.
As with everyone who visits Iceland, the cast members quickly fell head-over-heels with their surroundings and were soon posting pictures from the set on their Instagram accounts.
‘You couldn’t recreate this place or experience anywhere else in the world,’ Donnell tells Hallmark in a behind-the-scenes interview. ‘The people are amazing. The landscape is just absolutely stunning. And there is this wonderful culture that infuses the way of life here. It makes you feel at home.’
What were the shooting locations of Love on Iceland?

Love on Iceland (2020) showcases many of the natural attractions that have made this country famous, ranging from its glittering glaciers to its black sand beaches and dramatic waterfalls. Much of the film is shot in South Iceland, which has been attracting international visitors with the diversity of its landscape and awe-inspiring natural landmarks for the last decade.
Nicknamed as ‘The Crown Jewel of Iceland,’ Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon serves as an early scene in the film. Like all who visit this majestic locale, the central characters are notably breath taken by the site’s ethereal charm and otherworldly aesthetic. Jökulsárlón is known for its floating icebergs, playful seal colony and magnificent views of the national park in which it resides.
Diamond Beach, only a five minutes stroll from Jökulsárlón, also makes an appearance in Love on Iceland. This volcanic stretch of shore often sees icebergs washing up against the pebbles, creating stark contrasts that are a real feast for the eyes. However, do note the film indicates that the site is easily reachable from Reykjavík, given its where the cast chooses to take a walk after dining out in the city, some 380 km away.
In truth, we recommend you take a few days to explore the breadth of the South Coast, Diamond Beach included.

Chloe and her travel pals also spend time exploring Vatnajökull’s crystalline ice caves, some height above the lagoon. Once again, the filmmakers have excelled in translating just how awe-inspiring these caverns can be, taking extra care to capture shades of blue so vibrant that one could be forgiven for believing CGI enhanced the scene. Not true; Vatnajökull’s ice caves really are that splendid!
Several other Vatnajökull area shots, including those of Skaftafell Nature Reserve’s luscious hillsides and the creeping glacial tongue, Svínafellsjökull, add to the film’s setting, adding a level of intrigue and depth to the cinematography.
Other treasures of the South Coast sightseeing trail are also on display, namely the haunting black sand beach, Reynisfjara, and the picturesque waterfall, Seljalandsfoss. At 60 metres high, Seljalandsfoss is always high on the bucket lists of prospective travellers, drawing interest with the narrow pathway that leads directly behind the cascading water—perfect for photographers!

Only a short drive away, Dyrhólaey promenade is utilised thanks to its fantastic panoramas over the surrounding countryside, as well as the scenic rock arch that drops sharply into the crashing waves. With incredible views of the shorelines, distant mountains and wide-open ocean, the former-island of Dyrhólaey attracts thousands of nesting seabirds each summer, as well as hundreds of eager twitchers who come to see them.
In one intimate scene, Chloe and Charlie spend a night in one of our very own Bubbles, which are also found in South Iceland. Fans of the movie love to picture what their stay might be at this novel and immersive choice of accommodation, carefully placed in the lush depths of an Icelandic forest.
Other locations used were the small town of Hafnarfjörður and the capital city itself, Reykjavík. Love on Iceland does a fabulous job portraying the city as the quaint and highly livable place it is, focusing its lens on the beloved downtown pond, Lake Tjornin, as well as more iconic sights like Hallgrímskirkja Lutheran Church and the glassy architecture of Harpa Concert Hall.
Why should you watch Love on Iceland?

If ever there was a film that made you desperate to pack your bags and set-off travelling, then Love on Iceland would be it. With masterful control of the camera and a clear vision of the film being made, the director, Niederpruem, captures the local scenery in such a way as to exemplify its most unique and dramatic qualities.
Even Icelanders who have seen the film, no doubt, concluded its 84-minute runtime with the urge to hop the back-fence and rediscover all their homeland has to offer.

Love on Iceland does not shy away from providing a little background information on its setting. The filmmakers have sprinkled interesting facts about Iceland throughout, providing another reason to watch this movie should you be planning a trip here in the near future.
How can you see the locations in Love on Iceland?
If you’re hoping to stay in a bubble just as Chloe and Charlie did in the film, may we direct you to the Guided Tours listed on our main page.

These excursions, available for both winter and summer travellers, not only allow you to visit many of the natural attractions showcased in Love on Iceland style=”font-weight: 400;”>, but also spend the night in a transparent igloo. There are currently two bubble locations available for travellers hoping to experience this unique overnight stay, and both offer fantastic memories, regardless of when you visit.
During the summer, our Bubbles offer long daylight hours beneath the glowing Midnight Sun, while guests in the winter will continuously be on the lookout for the elusive Northern Lights dancing majestically through the see-through ceiling. During the day, you will be led by one of our professional and experienced guides around Iceland’s most cherished locales.

A trip such as this is perfect for new couples, honeymooners and devoted partners looking for their next adventure overseas.That’s not to say that the single travellers among us won’t have an incredible time too.
Who knows in which direction cupid’s arrow points? Iceland is one of the most romantic and enchanting destinations in the world. Falling in love here—and with here, we might add—is not a hard thing to do.
How long does it take to drive around Iceland?
How long does it take to drive around Iceland?
By Michael Chapman
Iceland boasts landscapes of immeasurable beauty, with each region considered a treasure-trove of splendid sights and unique scenery.
Guests looking to draw all they can from their holiday in Iceland will, in no uncertain terms, want to rent a vehicle. Doing so will provide them ample freedom to discover the breadth of this country’s landscape, plus allows for that untethered, exploratory mindset so necessary for maximising one's time here.
Whether in a car, motorhome or minivan, driving is, hands down, the best way to experience this country. Nowhere else on earth can compare to the sheer diversity of this land’s nature, regardless of what season you choose to visit, so make sure to select a comfortable ride that won’t detract from the incredible views as they pass by.

After leaving the departure lounge of Keflavik International Airport, most visitors begin their journey in the capital city, Reykjavík, located in West Iceland. While many choose to pick up their rental car at the airport, there are options available to those who would like to collect in the city.
Despite it being the sole contender, Reykjavík makes for a fantastic place to spend a few days before setting out on your adventures. Make sure to stop in at some of the city’s biggest highlights, including Hallgrimskirkja Lutheran Church, Perlan Museum and Observation Deck and, of course, the bustling Laugavegur shopping street.
In light of this article’s subject, however, we’ll be heading off right away.
What is the Ring Road in Iceland?

Those looking to circumnavigate Iceland in its entirety will want to take the famous Ring Road, otherwise known as Route 01, which was only completed as recently 1974. This intrepid, two-lane motorway constitutes the heart of all Icelandic road trips, covering a total distance of 1322 kilometres (821 miles), roughly equivalent to the length travelled from one end of the UK to the other.
Driving the Ring Road is tantamount to tackling Route 66 in the United States, such is its growing popularity among tourists from both sides of the Atlantic. From the passenger seat window, you are sure to pass a wealth of memorable sights, from herds of Icelandic horses to scenic promenades and distant mountainscapes. Every bend of the road, every twist of the trail, promises to snatch your breath away, so be sure to soak up every moment of your time on the road.
Which direction shall I travel on the Ring Road in Iceland?

Guests will usually travel east from Reykjavík, following the picturesque coastal route that snakes through South Iceland’s hillsides.
This direction leads to the dramatic Eastfjords, home to Vestrahorn mountain, before curling back along the northern shorelines. Eventually, the Ring Road descends through West Iceland, passing by the Snæfellsnes Peninsula, before concluding at Reykjavík once more.
While this counterclockwise direction is what most visitors and tour operators choose to follow, there is nothing from stopping anyone seeing the attractions in reverse, starting with those found in the west, and ending with those in the south.
Why is the Ring Road in Iceland so famous?
The reasons behind the Ring Road’s fame—aside from its obvious utility—are twofold. The first is that many of Iceland’s most famous natural attractions can be found right alongside, or nearby, to the road itself.
Travellers en route can expect to find the glittering icebergs of Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon, the picturesque cascades of Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss waterfalls, and the black pebbles of Reynisfjara beach. And that’s just the South!

Further north, the volcanic landscapes of Lake Mývatn await you, as does the epic Dettifoss waterfall. Opportunities to explore Iceland’s unofficial ‘Northern Capital,’ Akureyri, is also on the cards, plus stops at Goðafoss waterfall and the impressive Hvítserkur rock stack.
The second reason behind the Ring Road’s fame goes beyond specific attractions, instead focusing on the broad variety of landscapes it covers. Think, if you will, of how elegant the manner in which the south’s sea cliffs and stark volcanic deserts merge into the emerald meadows and epic fjords of North Iceland. Such scenery is commonplace in fantasy novels; in reality, it is something else entirely.
Glaciers and mountain ranges are everyday staples for drivers on the Ring Road, not mentioning the array of quaint seaside towns, rustic farmsteads and authentic turf houses that make up the lower scenery.
As its name suggests, the Ring Road connects all of Iceland’s coastal settlements, save for those found on islands, in the remote Westfjords or on the Snæfellsnes Peninsula. Route 01 surrounds the uninhabitable Highlands area; which can only be accessed during the summer with a professional tour operator.
How long does driving the Ring Road in Iceland take?

It is possible to complete a full trip of the Ring Road in just under seventeen hours. However, this is only achievable with nonstop driving; thus, it is not seen as either a safe or fun means of experiencing what should be a once-in-a-lifetime trip. Instead, the exact length of time you’ll spend on the road depends on several factors.
- Which season will you visit Iceland?
- Which attractions will you be visiting during your travels?
- What length of time will you be spending at each attraction?
- Will you stop overnight?
- What time will you set out and retire each day?
Essential questions such as these should be considered part-and-parcel of your holiday preparations.

Most travel providers in Iceland recommend that visitors take 7 to 14 days to complete the Ring Road. This allotment is considered ample time to enjoy the fabulous attractions that each region offers and factors in a few locations that divert from Route 01 itself, including Snæfellsnes, the Westfjords and towns like Húsavík, the ‘Whale Watching Capital of Europe.’
Also keep in mind that you’ll be making frequent stops that have no name, but demand appreciation all the same. Given the sheer number of pit stops and viewpoints along the way, you’ll want to keep your camera at the ready so as not to miss out on some prized contributions to the holiday album. Consider adding a few extra days to your vacation time if you think of yourself as something of a shutterbug.
Should I drive around Iceland in Winter or Summer?

Another crucial factor contributing heavily to how much time you’ll spend on the road is the weather. This is contingent on your travel plans, with each season showcasing Iceland in a dramatically different light.
Summer travellers—those visiting Iceland between April to September—will have an easier time driving on the roads, unhindered by a lack of low-visibility, rough weather and snowfall. Instead, the mid-year will bless them with extra daylight hours courtesy of the Midnight Sun, as well as clear panoramas of the surrounding countryside.
Given these facts, summer guests can expect to arrive quicker to each destination, though they will likely spend more time appreciating the sites outside their vehicle. June, July and August should also be accounted for specifically given these constitute the ‘high tourist season’ in Iceland, meaning the roads and attractions will be busier.

Visitors in the winter (those arriving between September and March) are urged to drive very slowly and carefully, regardless of how conditions may appear from the window. Though the Ring Road is tarmacked and routinely salted during this time of year, there cannot be enough emphasis put on just how unpredictable and unruly Iceland’s weather can be.
For example, previous guests to this stunning, yet often hostile land have described winter driving here as akin to piloting the Millenium Falcon during a jump to hyperspace. As such, extra care on the road must be respected at all times, even if it is at the expense of your schedule.
None of this is to say that taking to the Ring Road during winter isn’t worth it. There are many draws and benefits to doing so, the most prominent being the Northern Lights. Nothing can describe the rewarding feeling that comes with witnessing this vibrant and otherworldly phenomenon; ribbons of light and colour, swathing the skies above you, dancing in such a way as to seem almost conscious.
How fast can I go on the Ring Road in Iceland?

The speed limit for most of the Ring Road is 90 kilometres per hour (55 miles per hour). However, there are sections of the route where you will need to take things slower, namely gravel roads, where the speed limit is 80 kilometres per hour (50 miles per hour), and urban areas, which level off at 50 kilometres per hour (30 miles per hour.)
It is also important to be extra vigilant during the summer when sheep are allowed free-roam of the island. While cute, and undoubtedly useful for Iceland’s continued growth, the sheep here are not considered exceptionally bright animals, but rather, ones a little too comfortable standing close to the roadside.
Always be aware that, at one point or another, it’s likely you’ll have to slow your vehicle down to avoid hitting the local wildlife. Also note that Iceland has several one-lane bridges that, once again, will require you to watch your speed.
It is a fair estimate that guests could comfortably travel between 200 kilometres to 300 kilometres a day. This pace avoids rushing from spot to the next, allowing for a much more relaxed experience all-round. On that note; getting boisterous with the acceleration should be avoided at all costs. Speed cameras are numerous along these popular routes, and the fines here are, shall we say, more than a little hefty.
Are there gas stations on the Ring Road in Iceland?

Gas stations are found in most towns along the Ring Road, though they are notably less frequent in the countryside. These long stretches in between can worry some travellers, but a little preparation is all that’s necessary to alleviate any concern.
Iceland is one of the most sparsely populated nations on earth, so settlements can be many hundreds of kilometres apart from another. It is recommended to always top-up fuel whenever the opportunity arises, and schedule in known stops along the way to avoid getting stuck in the middle-of-nowhere.
Gas is considered on the expensive side in Iceland. As of 2021, you can expect anywhere from 203 – 238 ISK (roughly 1.5 to 1.8 USD) per litre of fuel. If you happen to be planning a more ambitious trip where you expect to divert often, then keeping a spare fuel canister in your vehicle might be considered good advice.
How long to travel the South Coast in Iceland?

Of course, not all travellers will have the time required to see all of Iceland during one trip, and therefore will need to concentrate on individual sections of the country. South Iceland is considered top among the regions for the diversity of its attractions, so should be high on the list of any prospective traveller.
Reynisfjara black sand beach is one such sight, attracting visitors with its unruly grey waves and towering basalt columns. Now famous the world over for its haunting ambience, the beach sits just beneath Vík í Mýrdal coastal village, roughly 187 kilometres (116 miles) east of Reykjavík.
There are many sites en route to Vík worthy of a stop, including the famed waterfalls Seljandsfoss and Skógafoss, and the Dyrhólaey promontory, best known for its steep bird cliffs and photogenic lighthouse.

As part of Vatnajökull National Park, Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon is considered the last attraction that constitutes as being within South Iceland.
Reaching this beloved water body requires a drive of 379 kilometres (236 miles), which takes around 6 hours with stops included on the way. Though the length of time driving is not to be sniffed at, it is possible for visitors to make it to and from Reykjavík to Jökulsárlón in a single day. While this is not recommended, it may come as some relief for those with only hours in the country to spare.
If you are hoping to spend more time amidst the majesty of Vatnajökull National Park, then it is highly advised that you stay overnight in the area.
How long to travel the Golden Circle sightseeing route in Iceland?

The Golden Circle is Iceland’s most famous sightseeing route, and can easily be seen in a day by guests from Reykjavík. Made up of three major attractions, the Golden Circle is recommended above all else for those with only limited time in the country. All in all, the route can be completed in around eight hours, considering that guests will spend some time at each site.
A forty-minute drive from the city will take you to the UNESCO World Heritage site, Þingvellir National Park. While gazing out from the viewpoint atop Almannagjá fault, you’ll undoubtedly ponder on the rich history of this mystic place. Þingvellir is where the world’s oldest parliamentary democracy, the Alþingi, was formed in 930 AD, making it one of the most notable locations in Icelandic history.
The entire area is found atop a geological anomaly known as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Impressive in its own right, guests here can witness the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates exposed from the ground. This unique geology has created an alien paradise on the banks of Lake Þingvallavatn, complete with moss-laden rocks and trickling glacial springs.

After exploring Þingvellir National Park, you will travel to Haukadalur geothermal valley, home to the spectacular Strokkur geyser. Every ten minutes or so, this powerful hot spring jettisons boiling water up to twenty-five metres in the air, culminating in what can only be described as a true spectacle of nature.
Also on site is Geysir. This now dormant hot spring lent its name to geysers around the world when it was first documented in the 18th century. Aside from Strokkur and Geysir, there are a number of other bubbling mud pools and steaming fumaroles in the vicinity.
The mighty waterfall, Gullfoss, makes up the final third of the Golden Circle route. It is, arguably, the most dramatic of all the attractions listed so far. Descending a total of thirty-two metres over two rocky ‘steps’, this giant feature emanates a constant plume of steam that cloaks the entire area, as well a continual guttural roar that can be heard from miles away.

End of the Road
In summary, you can drive around Iceland using the Ring Road in a single day, though this is strongly advised against on account of your enjoyment and safety. We’re not trying to break records here, people; instead, we want every second of our time in Iceland to count.
Take one, two or even three weeks to fully immerse in all the sights, sounds and activities that can be found circumnavigating this awe-inspiring island.

Other popular sightseeing routes in Iceland can be seen in less time, including the South Coast, the Golden Circle and even the Snæfellsnes Peninsula. To make it clear, we do recommend staying at least one night on the road while exploring South Iceland and beyond. West Iceland and Snæfellsnes, on the other hand, can often be experienced in a single day trip respectively.
However you choose to discover Iceland, there is no doubt that it will be one of your life’s most memorable adventures. With that in mind, give yourself enough time in the country to leave the capital and seek out all that makes this country so special. We promise you won’t regret doing so.
Golden Circle Iceland waterfalls
Experience the breath-taking beauty of Iceland's Golden Circle waterfalls
By Artur Serra
Iceland is known as the land of fire and ice, a natural sanctuary in the Atlantic Ocean and a home to the most beautiful landscapes.One of its most famous regions, the Golden Circle, is a place where all the elements - Earth, Wind, Fire and Water - converge. In this article we will focus on the last of those, in perhaps its most spectacular form.
Join us on a journey exploring Iceland's Golden Circle waterfalls.
We all have days we want to disappear, to be at peace with ourselves. We daydream about going to a distant place, a peaceful place, where we can be away from all the chaos and pressures of the life in the city.
Take a deep breath and imagine a place where you can see a vast immensity of green fields, framed by ice-capped mountains, and crossed by a rebellious river. Next to you, the dance of the waters culminates in an astonishing waterfall, where it’s not unusual to see rainbows emanating from it.
It might sound like a dream, but rest assured it’s not. This place exists, and it’s just two hours away from Reykjavik. Welcome to a world of waterfalls on the route of Iceland’s famous Golden Circle.
The history of Gullfoss

The beauty of the Golden Circle – Iceland’s top one destination – is the variety of incredible natural sights to see. Of all of them, Gullfoss stands out for being the landscape of a fantasy.
Placed in a canyon that follows the Hvita River, Iceland’s most iconic waterfall is also bonded to a family that fought for its cause, who allowed us to be able to enjoy it today.
In 1907, an Englishman called Howell came to Iceland with ambitions to build a hydroelectric dam where Gullfoss is situated. He planned to use its power to generate electricity and profit.
At that time, the owner of the land where the waterfall was, Tómas Tómasson, refused to negotiate with Howell. He famously stated that the waterfall was his friend, and he wasn’t willing to sell it. However, due to legal loopholes, Tómas’ wishes were ignored, and the business plans were allowed to proceed.
It was Tómas’ daughter, Sigurður, who ensured that the waterfall could be saved. Fighting to honour her Father’s wishes, going to court and taking legal action against the English businessman.
Sigurður believed that the waterfall should be preserved, and never turned into mere sources of profit to foreign investors.
This case lead to influence not only Iceland’s tourism and natural beauty, but also its politics. with the lawyer that she hired to represent her on court becoming the first Icelandic president!
This story is confirmation of how much nature, and especially this waterfall, are so meaningful to Iceland’s history. Up to this day, Sigurður’s face – or at least its representation in stone – oversees the dreamy land she fought so hard for us to experience today.

Twelve kilometres away from Gullfoss you can also find its “little sister”, Faxi (or “Vatnsleysufoss”, meaning “The waterfall with no water). Despite its name, Faxi has plenty of water and it’s a nice quiet spot to take a break from crowded locations around the Golden Circle.
One thing to consider when visiting Faxi is to stop, step out your car and just enjoy its sound. It offers an even terrain for a walk alongside the river or a hike around the waterfall area.
Even though Faxi is in the Golden Circle, not a lot of people consider visiting it during their tours in the area, meaning it can be really quiet and calm to visit, even during high season. It offers a lot of opportunities for astonishing and inspiring pictures, spots for picnics and, as already mentioned, hikes!
On its left-hand side, accessible from the road, you can find a nice spot to sit down, get a book (I suggest a classic Saga or something related to Iceland!) and enjoy one of the best reading experiences (with a view) you might find!
If you’re feeling motivated, you can also take the well-paved path (starting from the parking lot) upwards to find a café, tables and places to sit down, where you can also enjoy the view of the waterfall from a higher ground. The view is breath-taking, as you can see not only the Faxi, but also the river flowing in the distance, after the falls.

From Faxi you can take a 15-minutes drive to one of the most unique waterfalls in Iceland, Brúarfoss. Not as imposing as Gullfoss, its uniqueness lies in its display.
Brúarfoss is a ring of small waterfalls pouring in to a central pool. This Icelandic hidden gem also offers a lot of opportunities for a nice walk, as you can simply stroll close to the river and take really nice pictures from a close distance.
To add to its uniqueness, the colour you will find in Brúarfoss’ waters is distinctive and incredible that you’ll probably want to spend some good time there, just enjoying the picturesque scenery.
Thankfully you’ll have plenty of time to take it all since, as the hike from the closest parking lot to the location of the waterfall might take around one hour during summer (a bit more during winter as the trail there gets a bit tricky to follow).
Brúarfoss’ means “The bridge waterfall”. It got this name after a natural stone bridge that was located there and crossed the river. As Iceland’s History and Waterfalls are closely related, this one also has its piece of importance in Iceland History books.
Back in early 20th Century, when the king of Denmark visited Iceland, a road was built here to show the royal entourage all the beauty of this waterfall and the landscape around it. The road also connected Brúarfoss to the Geysir and Gullfoss, meaning that this waterfall was included in a previous version of “Golden Circle Tours”!
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
A perfect pitstop

Not far from the waterfall, you can also find a very traditional dairy farm called Efstidalur, that also works as a restaurant!
Serving burgers, grills, ice cream and also a vegetarian friendly menu with local ingredients coming from the farm itself. Here you can enjoy authentic Icelandic ice cream while watching the cows that produced the milk to prepare it!
Even if Brúarfoss isn’t on your plans, this is a great stop if you’re just around the Golden Circle.
Oxararfoss and Thingvellir

Iceland’s dreamy landscapes are not gathered in one single place, they are everywhere! Driving to Thingvellir National Park is an awesome experience. The road is an amazing and overwhelming visual experiences for those not used to Iceland’s overwhelming beauty.
This top tourist destination has its reason to be famous. It’s really difficult to find any other place in the world where you can say you just took a walk (or swam) between two tectonic plates! Aside from that, the National Park is also a really important location in Iceland’s History.
Thingvellir (that means “The Assembly Field”) and is Iceland’s first national park. It is situated upon the area where Iceland’s Thing (Parliament) was created and took place for more than 800 years, from 930 to 1798.
The official reason declared in History books is that this region was chosen because it was central to all chieftains from the most populated regions, making it easy to access from anywhere in the island.
Once you’re there, it’s easy to understand why they might have been inclined to choose this place. Being in Thingvellir, is like being transported to a parallel world, maybe even an alien planet, where you can see nature in an extremely peculiar and unique way.
Everything Iceland is known for, can be found in Thingvellir. Mountains, forests, rivers… and also waterfalls!
One of the hidden gems in Thingvellir is the Öxarárfoss, a waterfall artificially created to provide water to the visitors of the Icelandic Parliament. The whole story is represented in the Sturlunga Saga, written between the 12th and 13th century.
Even though it’s man-made, it’s one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Iceland, and as a Game of Thrones location it is a cool alternative to other famous waterfalls in the country.
A cool tip before you prepare to visit there: Try to do it in the morning, with the sun behind your back. This will raise the possibility of getting a rainbow in front of you, while facing the waterfall!
If you are visiting between April and October, it can also be nice to consider the Öxarárfoss Waterfall Trail. In colder months, like April and May, it might be an awesome trail to explore around the park, experience some bird watching and some breath-taking views from the National Park that only Iceland can provide.
The trail itself is kid friendly and easy to take, but might get busy during warmer months, as Iceland is filled with tourists. As you’re strolling on the well-travelled path along this little nice trail, keep in mind that you’re walking in the centre of Icelandic culture!
It was a very important location and social centre in Iceland’s early days, and a lot of the decisions that built the country were taken there.
Try to imagine yourself back in those days, living a simpler lifestyle (and the landscape might help with it!), gathering there with your tribe to decide the future of your country… it’s a really engaging experience that will make you enjoy Iceland even more (especially if you take a History book or Saga with you).

Despite all the joy, beautiful pictures and historical meaning the waterfalls of the Golden Circle can provide, it wouldn’t be fair to yourself to limit your experience to only those included on that trail.
So its worth taking time to explore the waterfalls located near the Golden Circle. These waterfalls are as magnificent as the ones found on the more famous tourist trodden route and include one of the most picturesque falls in the country!
An hour-and-half drive separates you from the Thingvellir National Park and Hjálparfoss, a double waterfall located on the Hekla Lava Fields. This waterfall, that connects the rivers Fossá and Þjórsá as they merge into a pool, is a top location for those looking for some calm moments, away from crowds and tourists.
If visiting it during the fall, the colours around the Hjálparfoss can be quite divine, providing all sorts of stunning and jaw-dropping pictures, no matter the angle you take them.
Other stops

Leaving Hjálparfoss might be difficult, but there are also some other cool waterfalls around it that you should make time to visit.
Driving towards Bjarnalón (an amazing lake and also a hike for those looking for adventure), you will enjoy the journey along the river until you make a small detour to find Gjáin.
Gjáin is a small valley filled with a lot of little waterfalls. This “fairytale-come-true” landscape, with green all around, rivers and lava formations, is one of the most inspiring places in Iceland, and it makes a beautiful and well-deserved stop to recover your energy.
Peaceful and relaxing, this valley is also the perfect place for a hike. One challenge is to walk around the area and count as many waterfalls as possible!
The most famous, however, is located quite close to the parking lot and its double-fall is amazing for pictures. The rock formations, just like those around Hjálparfoss, are quite characteristic of the volcanic landscape, adding to the magnificence of the scenery around Gjárfoss.

As I said before, Iceland’s waterfalls and history certainly intertwined. Gjárfoss is no exception. Close to it (a 20 minutes walk), you can find Stöng, an open-air museum, built up based on the original Stöng Commonwealth Farm.
This is a viking-era farm destroyed and buried down this area during one of Hekla’s eruptions, back in 1104. It was reconstructed in 1974, in celebration to the 1100th anniversary of Iceland’s settlement by Norwegian Vikings in 874.
A one-hour drive from Stöng (or a 5h hike for those feeling adventurous) can take you to Háifoss, which I consider to be one of the most beautiful locations in Iceland.
Háifoss, which means “The Tall Fall” lives up to its name standing at 122 meters. The landscape is so diverse and beautiful, allowing you to take astonishing pictures throughout the whole year.
For those into panoramic pictures, try it here, as you can also fit “Granni” (Neighbour in Icelandic) in the picture as well!
Granni is another fall located quite close to Háifoss, and you can find a good spot between both of them to simply enjoy one of the most magnificent views in your life.
The river follows down the valley, and the colours in this region are so intense and beautiful, that no matter when you visit Iceland, you be rewarded with amazing memories, ready to be captured in video and photo.
If you decide to hike from Stöng, you will feel like you’re in Tolkienian adventure, with this beautiful, somehow nostalgic and one-of-a-kind landscape all around you.
You might understand the reasons those characters went on adventures the moment you set foot on the road and start to notice every detail from your surroundings.
This is perfect moment to set up your favorite playlist, audiobook and podcast, and enjoy the hike of your life! And remember to carry your water bottle with you, because you might as well fill it with the clean Iceland water directly from the waterfalls and rivers alongside the path. And refilling with this water believed to have magical powers so drink up!
Unfortunately, Háifoss is not as easily accessible as the other waterfalls. You’ll probably need a 4×4 to get to the closest parking lot, but don’t worry if you didn’t rent one. You can also park your car a bit farther away, and then walk a few kilometres to the waterfall area.
There are also some folklore related to Háifoss, which might be a nice addition for those fond of this subject. “An ogress lived in Háifoss (which used to be called Fossárfoss before it got its name in 1912 – RHR). She lived on trout, which she caught in the waterfall. Once a teenage boy travelling with other travellers threw a rock into the river.
That night the ogress went to the tent, where the travellers were sleeping, and tried to pull the teenage boy by his legs out of the tent. But his mates pulled him in the other direction by the upper part of his body. After a lot of tussles, the ogress let the boy go and went away, but the boy was bedridden for a whole month from this maltreatment”.
(Translated into English from Þjóðsögur Jóns Árnasonar – the Folklore of Jón Árnason – RHR).
You can also hike down the waterfall, but a good guide is recommended. It’s such an amazing experience and recommended to all of those who want unique experiences and do not mind the 3.5km path downwards.

As you can see, the Golden Circle offers a lot of unique and unforgettable memories, especially if you’re a waterfall lover. If you don’t mind, you can even drive a bit further away and enjoy some other waterfalls around the Circle, which can be as satisfactory and rewarding as the experiences you’ll have within it.
Iceland is a country full of beauties and a one-of-a-kind place to be. Before going there, you might want to prepare not only the places you will visit, but also some add-ons to complement your overall experience.
Top tips:
- Get a good History book – if you’re into it -, or even a folklore book, to be your unofficial guide to Iceland. Every place there has some kind cool story related to the specific areas. Connecting the dots of how those places were important to the people living there at some point in time might feel like a journey back in time, and it will probably open your perspective to a different look into this country.
- But not only that! Take with you your favourite songs, your favourite games (portable, probably!), your favourite snacks and your favourite books.
To be quite honest, the experience of sitting down close to a waterfall with a really nice book in your hands is far from what words can describe, and you might enjoy these special memories for the rest of your life.
You’ll always remember that you were listening to that introspective song that you love, sitting down in the middle of Iceland, with a colossal (or not) waterfall nearby. After this moment of introspection, you’ll quite easily understand how this island became the synonym of dreams come true to the foreigners who were lucky enough to visit it.

Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
What is the capital of Iceland?
What is the capital of Iceland?
By Kimi Tayler
Sitting at 64° north is the capital city of Iceland, Reykjavik. As the northernmost capital city in the world, it's is charming, quirky and cool. Iceland may be known for its breathtakingly beautiful landscapes, glaciers, waterfalls and incredible geothermal wonders, but Reykjavik could be the surprising city break you've been looking for.
What is the capital of Iceland?
By Kimi Tayler
Sitting at 64° north is the capital city of Iceland, Reykjavik. As the northernmost capital city in the world, it's is charming, quirky and cool. Iceland may be known for its breathtakingly beautiful landscapes, glaciers, waterfalls and incredible geothermal wonders, but Reykjavik could be the surprising city break you've been looking for.
What is the capital of Iceland?
By Kimi Tayler
Sitting at 64° north is the capital city of Iceland, Reykjavik. As the northernmost capital city in the world, it's is charming, quirky and cool. Iceland may be known for its breathtakingly beautiful landscapes, glaciers, waterfalls and incredible geothermal wonders, but Reykjavik could be the surprising city break you've been looking for.
Just a 45 minutes drive from Keflavik international airport, and easily accessible by shuttle bus, Reykjavik is an ideal base from which to explore all that Iceland has to offer. However Reykjavik alone has a lot to offer and much to explore.
With the size and charm of a large town, but with all the historic and cultural benefits a capital city has to offer you won’t be short of things to see and do. There are plenty of accessible day tours to take from Reykjavik if you are itching to get into the countryside, but there is plenty on offer to occupy your time in Iceland’s capital.
Welcome to Smoky Bay!
The literal translation of Reykjavik, is Smoky Bay because of its proximity to many steaming hot springs. According to Iceland’s earliest recorded histories (The Book of Settlements written by Ari Þorgilsson in the late 11th or early 12th Century), it was named so by Ingólfur Arnason and Hallveig Fróðadóttir who were Iceland’s first permanent settlers establishing their home in Reykjavik in 874.
With over 60% of the countries 341,250 population living in the greater Reykjavik area, it is a bustling and lively place to be. There is a burgeoning bar and restaurant scene, and with numerous varying festivals taking place throughout the year, Reykjavik is a great city break or layover destination.
The downtown area itself is not large so it is very easy to negotiate on foot. Whether you’re walking along the seafront, checking out the harbour area or exploring the colourful houses of the old downtown, Iceland’s capital has a lot to offer if you are willing to scratch the surface. When the weather is kind, exploring the city is always a joy!
Here is our handy A-Z guide to all things Reykjavik, the Capital of Iceland!
What is the capital of Iceland? An A-Z of Reykjavik
The name for the parliament in Iceland, Althingi is the oldest parliament in the world. Originally established in Thingvellir national park (which is one of the main stops on your Golden Circle tour) in 930AD, it was relocated to Reykjavik in 1844, where it still resides today.
The current Parliament House, was built in 1880-81 and is located at Austurvöllur in the centre of the downtown area. The square in front is a very active protest point, and in good weather a lovely spot for a picnic.
Taking place annually at the beginning of November, Airwaves is a cool boutique music festival, and the perfect antidote to the darker nights and colder days.
With plenty of big names in a number of venues, a ticket to the festival is a great way to explore the city in a different way. There are also plenty of off-venue concerts and DJ sets going on showcasing the best of the local underground music scene, so if you don’t have a ticket you can still enjoy the festive feel!
Art museum
Reykjavik Art Museum is made up of not one, but three separate museums, all visitable on one ticket; Hafnarhús, Kjarvalsstaðir, and Ásmundarsafn.
Hafnarhús, based within the old harbour warehouse houses a range of progressive and contemporary exhibitions across 6 gallery spaces. From international players, to key figures within the Icelandic art scene, Hafnarhús is at the centre of contemporary culture, with an exciting program of events and performances also taking place.
Kjarvalsstaðir houses the collection of one of Iceland’s most important and influential painters, Jóhannes S. Kjarval. With a permanent collection and display of his works, the space regularly also shows work from the contemporary Icelandic art and design scene.
Taking its name from sculptor Ásmundur Sveinsson who lived and worked in this extraordinary space in the Laugardalur area of Reykjavik, is Ásmundarsafn. Sveinsson’s sculptural work is displayed both inside and outside the building, as well as playing host to exhibitions by international and Icelandic artists.
Although beer has only been legal in Iceland since 1989, there is a burgeoning and rapidly expanding brewing culture in the country. Reykjavik houses a number of innovative micro craft breweries.
With adventurous combinations such as skyr and wild berry sours, ales brewed with arctic botanicals and milk stouts and a range of IPAs, there is something to be found in local bars to excite even the most seasoned of craft connoisseurs.
Look out for anything on tap by Reykjavik Brewery, Borg or relatively new players, the Lady Brewery.
Botanical gardens
It may surprise you that Reykjavik houses a Botanical garden with over 5000 plant species! Located in the Laugardalur area of the city, it is worth the detour off the Reykjavik tourist trail in the summer months for insight into Iceland’s unique horticulture, or for a wintery walk in the snowier part of the year.
Bíó Paradís cinema
The Icelandic word for cinema is Bíó, and if you are a film buff you may want to check out the downtown arts picture house, Bio Paradis. This is a cosy place to catch the latest foreign language films or international indie movies, check out all the Icelandic independent cinema has to offer (often with English subtitles) or attend classic nostalgic screenings such as Spice World, Clueless or cult classic The Room.
Recently saved from closure, Bio Paradis is a Reykjavik institution and at the centre of cultural goings on, inlacing the annual international film festival.

There is little as satisfying as a warm treat from an Icelandic bakery. Cinnamon buns are probably the most popular choice of Snúður (as they’re called), and although they might have originated in Denmark, Icelanders certainly know how to put their own spin.
Whether covered in chocolate, or in an array of flavours from pistachio to blueberry and liquorice, there are many options if you don’t fancy cinnamon.
Also to be recommended are Kleina, which is the Icelandic equivalent of the donut!
Dominating the downtown area, cats are a huge part of the culture of the city and are widely loved and accepted as such. Whilst strolling the streets of Reykjavik it is not uncommon to be joined by a feline friend. There are even cats who regularly install themselves in the shops and bars of Laugarvegur and have become Instagram famous!
Reykjavik even has its own cat café, with all the cats who reside there eventually being adopted by customers and finding their fur-ever homes!
Culture night
The annual culture night known as Menningarnótt, is a highlight of the Reykjavik calendar and brings Icelandic summer to a close. With the last of the long days, this is a great time to plan your weekend break.
With arts, music and entertainment events taking place across the city on live stages, free museum openings, and even free waffles there is a lot to keep all ages occupied.

Reykjavik has a lively and ever evolving restaurant and cafe culture. With great local ingredients available and groundbreaking chefs, it’s certainly worth getting excited if you’re a foodie.
From geothermally grown crops, the freshest fish, and best quality lamb and incredible foraged produce, Iceland’s innovative food scene has an awareness of the importance of sustainability and sourcing locally.
With options ranging from Iceland’s first and only Michelin starred restaurant Dill, incredible harbourside fish restaurants to cosy downtown cafes and street food.
Although Iceland may have a reputation for being an expensive place to dine, it is rightfully gaining a reputation as an exciting foodie destination with Reykjavik at its centre.

It may come as a surprise that Reykjavik has an extremely vibrant up and coming drag scene.
Always pushing the envelope of the artform, you can expect to see the best and most extravagant queens, kings, monarchs and monsters performing on a regular (often weekly!) basis in venues across the city.
Check out the schedules for Kiki Queer Bar and Gaukurinn.

Although whilst visiting you may stick more within the central downtown and harbour areas, Reykjavik is in fact made of 10 districts. These are:
- Vesturbær (District 1)
- Miðborg (District 2, city centre and where you are most likely to spend your time)
- Hlíðar (District 3)
- Laugardalur (District 4)
- Háaleiti og Bústaðir (District 5)
- Breiðholt (District 6)
- Árbær (District 7)
- Grafarvogur (District 8)
- Kjalarnes (District 9) (in the north)
- Grafarholt og Úlfarsárdalur (District 10)
Do not discount exploring the other districts. Each neighbourhood has its own identity and often its own cafes and local shops.
You may also find yourself on the peninsula of Seltjarnarness to the west of Vesturbær, this small area is however not a part of Reykjavik despite its proximity and close ties with the city.

Watching over the city across Faxi bay is the ever present and mighty mountain of Esja. It is an easy bus trip taking roughly 40 minutes on the 15 from Hlemmur to Háholt followed by the 57 to Esjurætur – Hiking Centre.
It is a 2-4 hour walk to the summit and back again depending on your ability and fitness levels, but it is a reasonably straightforward hike even for those with less experience.
You will be rewarded with amazing views of Reykjavik should you make it to the top. Well worth the hike and a great way to get a new perspective on Iceland’s capital city.
FFish restaurants

You cannot stay in Reykjavik without sampling some of the best and freshest fish and seafood.
Fishing is one of Iceland’s largest industries, with cod from its waters served worldwide. Being a peninsula you can’t ignore the impact of being surrounded by the ocean has on Reykjavik.
It’s worth trying Icelandic classics such as Plokkfiskur or lobster soup as well sampling the countries’ take on fish and chips.
Fringe festival
Launched in 2018 and now a firm part of the cultural calendar, the Reykjavik Fringe Festival is a week of performance and events from both local and international artists.
Boasting comedy, theatre, dance, poetry and experimental performance art and more this is a festival that is not to be missed.

Favouring vintage and eccentric custom design over following fashion trends, young Icelanders who frequent the trendy bars of 101 certainly stand out from the crowd.
If you want to mimic their style there are multiple vintage stores on Laugavegur and it is also worth stopping by the local Red Cross shops to find a bargain whilst doing your bit for a good cause.
Top tip: teaming anything with an Icelandic sweater known as a lopapeysa will earn you fashion credentials.
G Grandi (Marshall House)
The Grandi area located close to the old harbour area boasts cool cafes, a nifty food hall, amazing Ice Cream and artist run spaces.
Worth visiting for the Marshall House alone; a building of historic significance given its connection to the post war Marshall funding.
Beginning life as a fish meal factory it has been repurposed into a vibrant art space, housing 3 of the cities most important contemporary art spaces; The Living Art Museum, Kling and Bang and the Ólafur Elíasson Studio.
Grótta lighthouse

Though technically not in Reykjavik, the Grótta lighthouse is just a stone’s throw away on the Seltjarnarnes peninsula.
A great place to spot the northern lights due to its lack of streetlights, this is one of the darker places in the metropolitan area and at only 5 minutes drive from downtown Reykjavik. It is also a lovely walk on a sunny evening and known as a great place to watch the sun set.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person

The city’s most important source for News and Culture in English, you can pick up free copies of the Reykjavik Grapevine newspaper in many cafes and shops.
They have their finger on the pulse of all the events going on at any given time, with special guides to all the major festivals going on, as well as the best the city has to offer on a weekly basis.
Hlemmur is located at the centre of Laugavegur and is the home to the main bus terminal in central Reykjavik. You can connect to almost every bus route from here, and there is also a great food hall in the old terminal building.
On the subject of buses, it is an idea to download the Straeto app if you are going to be spending a bit of time in the city, as buses do not take cards and only accept exact change.

One of the architectural highlights of the city’s landscape is Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre. Aesthetically reflective of some of the island’s most miraculous geological wonders, Harpa has an impressive interior aspect designed by renowned Danish-Icelandic artist Ólafur Elíasson.
Taking a guided tour will allow you access to the whole building and give you insight into how this incredible structure came to be.
With a full schedule of live performance events- from classical to contemporary music, dance, theatre and international stand-up comedy, there is something for everyone but it’s worth booking in advance.
Hallgrimskirkja church

Visible from almost everywhere in the city, Hallgrimskirkja is probably the most iconic landmark of the Reykjavik skyline.
Like Harpa, the architecture is reflective of the landscape, taking on the aesthetics of the basalt columns that can be seen in locations such as Reynisfjara black sand beach.
The interior is a perfect space to take a quiet moment and serene in its simplicity. You may even be lucky enough to catch a choir or organ practice which is when the space really comes to life.
You can also climb the height of the church where you will be rewarded with some of the best panoramic views of the capital.

It may surprise you given the changeable weather but eating ice-cream might be considered a national pastime in Iceland. Whichever neighbourhood you’re staying in you won’t be far from an ice-cream shop.
With multiple flavour options and an impressive array of chocolate, candy and sauce options, you can customise until your heart’s content. Bragðarefur or mix-in is to be recommended!
International film festival

Reykjavik International Film Festival, or RIFF takes place in the city annually from the end of September into the beginning of October. With world premieres, special screenings, international industry guests and awards this is definitely a highlight of the cultural calendar.
Recent previous esteemed guests including Wernor Herzog, Mads Mikkleson, Darren Aronofsky and Claire Denis to name but a few. Offering masterclasses, workshops and q&a screenings. The festival offers an intimate opportunity to gain access and insight into the film industry.
Top tip: look out for the swimming pool screenings, where you can bathe in one of the cities many naturally heated aquatic facilities whilst tuning in to a cult classic!
JJazz Festival

The Reykjavik Jazz Festival takes place in venues across the city at the end of August. Showcasing not only local, but international talent, this is a prestigious event gaining recognition as one of the most exciting and innovative jazz festivals in the world.
Jaja Ding Dong

Iceland certainly has a unique relationship with the worlds greatest song contest.
With 2020 being Iceland’s year, yet sadly cancelled due to COVID-19 but following the success of the Eurovision movie, you may want to take a few of the sites from the film.
You may spot some familiar scenes down at the harbour, the old theatre and the university of Iceland. You can even pick yourself up an iconic Jaja Ding Dong in one of the downtown t-shirt shops. You will only want to wear Jaja Ding Dong!
KKolaportið Flea Market

Open on weekends and a great place to hunt for an elusive bargain, Kolaportið has an eclectic mix of stalls.
From food stalls, to second-hand Icelandic sweaters, to decorative birds eggs, this fun flea market to have a browse around.
Kaffi house

If Iceland had a national beverage, it would be coffee. Always taking pride in the quality of you won’t find a bad brew in the city! There are cosy coffee houses on every corner.
The perfect place to be on a wintery day.

The main shopping street in downtown Reykjavik, is called Laugavegur. The main part stretches from Hlemmur to Laekjargata and houses the majority of the city’s bars and restaurants on and around the side-streets. Laugavegur is a bustling place to go for a night out, a bite to eat or perfect for a bit of shopping.
MMeat soup
Although meat soup, traditionally made with lamb, is an Icelandic staple available all over the country, it is a perfect accompaniment to wintery city days.
Available in cafes and restaurants throughout the city- just don’t forget to ask for your free refill!

For culture vultures and history buffs, there is an amazing trail of museums to suit all ages and interests in Reykjavik.
Amongst others the Saga Museum, the National Museum and the Settlement museum celebrate the rich history of Iceland; whilst Whales of Iceland and Perlan give insight into the magnificent natural wonders of the country.
And for those of a more adventurous disposition you might want to stop by the Punk Museum, or the notorious Phallological Museum!
NNew year

One of the best times of year to spend in Reykjavik is the annual New Year celebrations.
Spectacular for the sheer volume of fireworks that traditionally start as soon as darkness falls and go on until the small hours of the morning, peaking at midnight.
There are also bonfires lit at various locations across the city. Traditionally lit at 20:30 these events are attended by families between new years dinner and watching the annual satirical tv show called, Áramótaskaup. A huge percentage of the population watches every year, and in 2019 it was widely reported to be over 80% of all Icelanders tuned in.
After the conclusion of the show people take to the streets to watch the peak of the fireworks. Although displays are throughout the city, Hallgrimskirkja is the focus of the official display.
Fireworks are bought in high volumes in readiness for the new year, with the proceeds of sales going to fund the Icelandic Rescue Team!
Northern lights

Though you may think you’ll have more luck in the countryside, you might be surprised with how well you can see the Aurora Borealis in the city. There are many places around the harbour area and out towards the Grotta lighthouse that have less light pollution and with the right conditions and activity you won’t have to travel far.
If you do wish to get out into the countryside you can also take northern lights from Reykjavik often with the possibility of pickups available directly from your hotel.
OOld town and harbour

Located towards the west part of the city is the old town. With the most vibrant and colourful houses, with good weather on your side strolling the streets is a wonderful way to while away an afternoon in the city. Comprising some of the oldest houses, with Aðalstræti 10 being the earliest, dating back to 1772.
The harbour is also a great historic city location for a walk. With an array of boats, tours, cafes, restaurants and even a very quirky cinema, this is a vibrant and thriving area to visit whilst spending time in the city.

Widely available throughout the country, is the most exalted of all Icelandic snack food, the pylsur better known as the hotdog. The most famed place to pick one up is Bæjarins Beztu in the heart of downtown Reykjavik.
Asking for one with everything is the most popular iteration and you can expect sweet onions, crunchy onions, ketchup, remoulade and sweet brown mustard- and it’s a taste sensation!
Famous fans of the Icelandic hotdog include Bill Clinton who, during his time in Iceland, ordered his with only mustard, which then became known as ‘The Clinton’.

Another prominent landmark, originally a cluster of hot water tanks, Perlan was converted to a public building in 1991.
Now an exhibition centre, featuring an indoor ice-tunnel, a replica of the Latrabjarg sea bird cliff and a planetarium. If you get caught in bad weather you need not miss out on the Wonders of Iceland!
There is also a restaurant with panoramic views across Iceland.
QQueer life

Reykjavik is a city with a vibrant queer culture, from the favourite night spot of Kiki to the annual Pride Festival held in August. Iceland is consistently progressive when it comes to LGBTQI+ rights and it is considered to be a safe place for queer travellers.

Iceland has a thriving music scene which is reflected within its wonderful record stores. Both Lucky Records and Reykjavik Records deserve their cult status. Selling vintage and fresh cuts, you might get lost in a library of genres available.

A raincoat is definitely something you could find yourself requiring all year round as Reykjavik is notoriously changeable in its weather conditions. The city has an average of 213 days a year with 0.1mm rainfall, or per month that is an average of 17.8 days with a quantity of rain, sleet and or snow.
S Scooters

Given Reykjavik’s relatively small size, a practical way to get around town, and accessible through the apps Hopp and Zolo, are hireable electric scooters. Though relatively new, they have become a fairly prominent feature of the city’s landscape and the number of cycle lines makes scooting an efficient way to travel.
Swimming pools
A cheaper and some might say more authentic Icelandic bathing experience, Reykjavik boasts seven pools, three of which are in or close to the downtown area. Offering a combination of hot and cold pots, sauna and steam rooms and swimming pools.
Pool culture is a very important part of Icelandic life, not just for the comfort and warmth of the water in the colder months- it is an important social action. With all age ranges and social groups meeting at the pool, it is not uncommon to hear politics and current affairs discussed heatedly in the heat of the hot pot!
Sun Voyager

A short walk from town, the Sun Voyager, or Sólfar as it is called in Icelandic, is a popular spot located on the seafront close to Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre. In a perfect and picturesque position overlooking Faxi bay and pointing towards Esja, this steel sculpture by Jón Gunnar Árnason forms the skeleton of a boat.
Resembling a viking longboat, but realised as a contemporary structure, the Sun Voyager gestures to the past and the future of the city and island itself. The name alludes to its position, this really is a wonderful spot to take in a sunset when you are staying in the city.
Tours (walking)

There are a number of tours available in the city that can give you an insight into the history and culture of the city. From free walking tours, to food tours and brewery tours, there are so many ways to explore that don’t involve bus or boat trips.
Situated in the centre of Reykjavik, Tjörnin means lake or pond. With the city hall overlooking it and museums, theatres and a very pretty church surrounding it this is a picturesque location.
This is a favoured spot for feeding the ducks and swans, and in winter it regularly freezes over completely.
Traditional food
Although there is plenty on offer gastronomically in the city, you may want to try the traditional Icelandic foods and you have plenty of options in Reykjavik.
With meat soups, lamb and fish high on the list. If you are a little more adventurous, there are restaurants that serve platters of smoked puffin and whale meat- or you may even be brave enough to try the fermented shark! But you may need a shot of Brennavin (the Icelandic equivalent of vodka) to wash it down.
The Icelandic word for stand-up comedy, uppistand has a small but growing scene in Reykjavik. There are regular comedy nights taking place in a number of different venues and theatres across the city; from superstar international comedians selling out Harpa to local open mics.
With the arrival of the first dedicated comedy club opening in Reykjavik in 2018, English speaking stand-up has taken off. With a number of regular Icelandic and international comedians, being joined by visiting guests, there is a guaranteed diverse line-up if you’re up for a laugh.
The University of Iceland is another prominent landmark in the city. With around 14,000 students, and programs in Icelandic and English, Reykjavik has a vibrant and diverse university community.
The on campus Student Cellar also hosts a calendar of regular entertainment events and often plays live sport.
A small island reachable by ferry, Viðey is a beautiful place to visit, and also houses some incredible contemporary art. As well as the imposing sculptural columns of Richard Serra, Viðey is home to Yoko Ono’s IMAGINE PEACE TOWER.
Forming a column of light piercing the night sky, the tower is lit ceremonially on 8th October on John Lennon’s birthday and stays lit through winter.
WWhale Watching

Running tours throughout the season the waters around the capital area are rich with life. We are lucky enough to have a variety of whale species within our waters including Minkes and Humpbacks. You will also see a range of bird species- and perhaps even some dolphins will come to play!
With tours from the old harbour and warm waterproof layers you can experience whale watching from the heart of the city.

Icelandic wool is used to create the warmest and most practical item, the Icelandic sweater. Known as a lopapeysa, you can not only buy premade authentic products from the Handknitting Association, if you are handy with a pair of needles you can buy the raw ingredient in a variety of gorgeous colours and make one yourself!

Christmas is a magical time to visit Iceland’s capital. What better way to spend the festive season than in the northernmost capital in the world. Once the cosy lights go up and the nights draw in we prepare to celebrate the holidays. With ice-skating in the centre of downtown and the promise of the aurora, Christmas is the perfect time to visit.
Christmas is celebrated on 24th December in Iceland.
YYule cat
Speaking of Christmas, if you do visit at this time of year you can inspect to run into the most imposing of all Icelandic felines, the Christmas cat!
Based on Laekjagata he is gigantic, a tiny bit terrifying and lit up every year to watch over the people of Reykjavik during the festive season.
It is said that if you do not have new clothes for Christmas then the Cat will eat you! So it’s lucky there is an H&M close by. No need to fret!
Yule lads
Joining the Christmas Cat are the Icelandic Yule Lads, who are projected all over the city during Christmas time.
The Icelandic equivalent Santa Claus, there are 13 of them, who deliver presents to the shoes of Icelandic Children, if they behave*, from 12th December.
*usually receiving a potato if they do not.
Unpredictable and mischievous, watch out for Sheep-Cote Clod, Skyr Gobbler, Door-Slammer, Candle Stealer, Window Peeper and the rest of the gang!
Tucked away in the Laugardalur valley in the east of the city is a small animal park. The Reykjavik Family Park and zoo is home to Icelandic farm animals, reindeer, harbour seals and arctic foxes. There are also a range of birds, and a small number of foreign reptiles.
With small rides and suitable entertainment for all ages this is a fun place for all the family.
And that's not all!

Reykjavik is the perfect place to begin or end your self-drive or guided tour given its close proximity to the countryside and our 5 million Star Hotel.
Our handy guide is just the tip of the iceberg, you’ll find so much more to love about the capital of Iceland upon your visit. Smokey Bay and all she has to offer awaits you!
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
Where is Iceland?
Directly to its west is the autonomous Danish territory of Greenland; whilst to the east lie another Danish territory, the Faroe Islands, which incidentally can be visited my on route to Denmark by taking a boat from the town of Seyðisfjörður in the East Fjords. Travelling further east, its closest neighbour on mainland Europe is Norway.
The average flight time from Iceland to the east coast of the USA is 6 hours making it an easily accessible layover destination. It can take as little as 2 hours and 30 minutes to reach our closest neighbours on mainland Europe, making it a perfect gate-way to numerous incredible countries
The Nordic Connection

Iceland is often referred to as a Nordic country which is a term that also applies to Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, as well as the Faroe Islands and Greenland.
With a deeply rooted and fascinating historic ties with its Scandinavian cousins on the European mainland having been a territory of both Norway and Denmark, Iceland formally gained its independence from Denmark in 1944.
The Icelandic independence day is now celebrated every year on 17th June.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
What language is spoken in Iceland?
Although the language has evolved and changed since the first settlers arrived (widely considered to have begun in the second half of the ninth century) there is still an emphasis on the preservation of Icelandic, meaning even the famed Icelandic sagas can still be read and understood today.
Unlike the linguistic similarities between Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, the Celtic influence on the language means that it is difficult for other Nordic nations to understand Icelandic, whilst Icelanders can understand their languages very well. Think of it as Old Norse but with a Celtic accent!
A Tongue Twister

Notoriously difficult for foreign tongues to learn and pronounce, and grammatically complex, the roots of the language are North Germanic, Icelandic is thought to be spoken by only around 314,000 people in the entire world. However, as a visitor there is no need to fret as the majority of Icelanders speak excellent English. It is however polite to know a few key words and phrases:
Good day! Góðan daginn or daginn Pronounced: GO-than DY-in/ DY-in
Thanks/ Thank you Takk or Takk fyrir Pronounced: Takk FEE-rir (rolled r sound)
Yes Já Pronounced: Y-ow
No Nei Pronounced: N-ay
Cheers! Skál! Pronounced: SK-owl

Emphasis is always placed at the beginning of the word. It may seem hard but it is a really fun language to try and get your mouth around whilst spending time in Iceland!
What to do in Iceland?
What to do in Iceland?
There is a huge range of options available to you in Iceland depending on your areas of interest. The first thought that comes to mind probably involves getting out into the incredible and elemental volcanic landscape. Known as the land of Fire and Ice you can access both extremes all year around during your time in Iceland.
The landscape has many unique geothermal and geological phenomena, from geysers to natural pools warm enough to bath in, greenhouses and active and dormant volcanoes to visit and in some cases scale. At the other extreme and for those of an adventurous disposition you can visit magical Ice caves, go snow-mobiling or even brave a glacier hike.
Taking tours

There are many options for guided day tours; from the famous Golden-Circle where you can take in the sights of Gullfoss waterfall, Geysir and Thingvellir national park, to diving between continents in Silfra to northern lights trips with experienced guides and the magnificent south coast.
Of course a self-drive allows you to explore the landscape in your own time and pace. With the ring-road of highway 1 accessible in most weather conditions and easy to follow you can visit any number of waterfalls, black sand beaches, mountains and glacial lagoons.
The natural world

If you are a nature lover, Iceland offers incredible whale watching opportunities both in the north of the country and in the capital area of Reykjavik; with a number of species found within our waters and a huge range of seabirds a boat trip is always an exciting experience.
For those who prefer dry land, horse riding in Iceland is a very specific experience. The Icelandic horse may be small in stature but they are hardy, strong and gently dispositioned- allowing for a unique way to travel through the glorious volcanic landscape.
Staying in the city

Whilst the landscape might dominate your first thoughts and plans, Iceland has a number of quirky exciting towns to explore around the country starting of course with the northernmost Capital city in the world, Reykjavik.
A cool, cosy, contemporary city, Reykjavik has plenty of history and culture to keep you occupied. From its numerous museums and thriving arts, music, fashion and design aesthetics, to its exciting bars and ever evolving food scene
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
The Golden Circle in Winter
The Glorious Golden Circle in Winter
By Katie Teeter
Iceland is winter is a veritable wonderland. What better time to explore the famed Golden Circle and experience the magnificence and awe of Gullfoss, Geysir and Thingvellir, than during arguably its most wild and spectacular season.
Nearly every visitor travelling to Iceland has heard of the Golden Circle, but may not be aware that it is something that you can do year-round. The Golden Circle is an easy day trip from Reykjavík, allowing you to experience a taste of the breath-taking landscapes, stunning nature, and unique history that Iceland has to offer.
While Iceland is beautiful year-round, winter brings an extra layer of natural wonder for your eyes to enjoy. The Golden Circle can easily be done as a self-drive tour, which gives you flexibility to visit each stop in your own time. Here are a list of our top spots, and the things we think you should know about taking on the Golden Circle in winter!
Safety first! Be prepared!

The road conditions are typically quite good for the Golden Circle, but it is always essential that you keep yourself updated with the latest weather and road conditions.
The best places to do this are and Here you can find a map with the most updated conditions and any weather and travel notices.
If you are not confident driving in potentially icy or snowy conditions, there are many companies who organize guided bus tours as a safe and reliable option.
Most standard Golden Circle tours take around six hours, though if you are doing a self-drive tour you can of course choose to stay longer at the sites.
The three main stops in the Golden Circle are Þingvellir National Park, Geysir, and Gullfoss.
Before you set out on your day trip adventure, make sure that you are properly prepared.
In addition to checking the weather forecast and road conditions you should ensure that you have the proper clothing. During the winter it is better to stay on the safe side and bring sturdy hiking shoes and crampons.
Dress warmly with layers and remember to bring gloves, a hat, and a scarf. An extra pair of socks is never a bad idea in case your feet happen to get wet at one of the falls.
There are many places to stop for food and drink throughout the trip. Most places will have vegetarian and vegan options, but if you have any food sensitivities or specific dietary preferences then you should pack some snacks just in case.
For the duration of your trip in Iceland, remember that you do not need to buy bottled water. Everyone in Iceland drinks the tap water, and most places will be more than happy to help you re-fill your reusable bottle when needed. This reduces unnecessary plastic waste and helps you to save money.
Þingvellir National Park- a winter wonderland

Þingvellir National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is an area roughly 45 km from Reykjavík, and is your first stop.
It has important cultural, historical, and geological significance, making it a must-see location during your visit to Iceland.
Þingvellir is located in a rift valley where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates meet, and you can walk a path between the two plates.
It is also notably the location of the founding of Iceland’s National Parliament, called the Alþingi, in 930. It served as an significant meeting place until the end of the 18th century, with the last meeting held in 1798.
There are three main parking lots at Þingvellir: one off of the main road, Þingvallavegur, and two on the lower side near the lake, off of Vallarvegur.
All three charge a small fee ranging from 750-1.000 ISK depending on the size of the vehicle.
There is a much smaller parking lot off of Þingvallavegur that is free, but it is not as regularly maintained and to get to the paved walking path you have to go down a short but steep and rocky trail that can be very icy during the winter months.
There is a Visitor’s Center off of the first parking lot on Þingvallavegur. It has an information center, a cafeteria, restrooms, and a small souvenir shop.
Another service center is located at the intersection of Þingvallavegur and Vallarvegur, which has more information on walking paths in the park.

The first parking lot, located above the lake area, gives you beautiful scenic views.
During the winter months, the lake and surrounding area is often covered in snow and ice while snow-capped mountains completely surround you in the distance. It is an incredibly beautiful panorama.
You can then walk down on the footpaths into the Almannagjá fault. Walking between the plates is impressive enough, but if you follow the path you will reach a small waterfall called Öxarárfoss.
In the last few years the park has upgraded this area, so it is easily accessible and a wooden platform has been built by the waterfall. Every outdoor location can be slippery during the winter months, so watch your step and walk carefully.
Further down into the valley outside of the rift is Þingvallakirkja, one of the earliest churches in Iceland. The present church was built in 1859, but a church was constructed on the site shortly after Iceland’s conversion to Christianity in the 11th century.
The first church was built with timber and a bell donated by the Norwegian King Olaf. It continues to be an important historical site and is a frequent setting in Icelandic literature.
The church is not open on a set schedule during the winter, but guests can contact the park to see if a guided tour can be arranged ahead of time.

Your second stop is Geysir, a geothermal area located in the Haukadalur valley.
While the original Geysir itself is not currently active, the smaller Strökkur erupts every 6-10 minutes.
Strökkur shoots streams of water up 20-40 meters high, and the water around it is hot enough to boil an egg.
Icelanders outside of the city will bake the traditional rye bread, called rúgbrauð, in the ground in geothermal areas. The process usually takes around 24 hours, though it is not currently done at Geysir where there is a lot of foot traffic.
The surrounding area also shows interesting signs of geothermal activity, with bubbling mud pits and jets of steam emerging from rocky areas that have unique coloring.
The snowy hills and landscape around Geysir and Strökkur in winter is a beautiful contrast to the colourful and active hot spring areas.
Due to the spray from the eruptions, it can be very slippery on the walking paths so please tread carefully.
There are two parking lots, both free of charge. There is also a large gift shop and cafeteria, with plenty of restrooms inside. Geysir has arguably the best gift shop out of the three main stops on the Golden Circle.
Geysir lends its name to all springs that intermittently eject hot water and steam – geysers. The ‘original’ geyser, Geysir has been a tourist attraction since the late 18th/early 19th century.
The land where Geysir lies was originally owned by a farmer. The farmer sold the land to James Craig, an Irish whiskey distiller and the future Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, in 1894. Ever the entrepreneur, he built fences around the area and charged visitors a fee to view Geysir.
One year later he gave the land to a friend who halted the fees. His nephew later sold the property to Icelandic director and businessman Sigurður Jónasson in 1935. Sigurður then donated it to the Icelandic state in the hopes that it would become a national park.
Geysir made news in recent years when, in 2014, local landowners began charging an entry fee once again. While the land that Geysir stands on is owned by the government, the surrounding area is privately owned. This was declared illegal in 2015 and remains free to visit today.
There are roughly 30 geysers of varying sizes in the area. Strökkur is the one featured in most of the photographs that you find online and in brochures, though there is another notable tiny geyser called ‘Litli Geysir’, or Little Geysir.
Earthquakes can awaken Geysir, with notable activity in 1630, 1845, and 1896. In 1910 Geysir was erupting every 30 minutes, but soon the eruptions faded away once more. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, Icelanders caused Geysir to erupt using soap to emulate earthquakes, especially for Iceland‘s National Day, June 17th.
Another earthquake in 2000 set Geysir off again, with water reaching 122 meters (roughly 400 feet) in height. The activity today is once again very low, but there is always a chance that Geysir will rise again!
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
Gullfoss- frozen falls

Finally, the last stop on the Golden Circle is Gullfoss, one of Iceland’s most famous waterfalls.
Gullfoss is spectacularly beautiful in the winter with the low winter sun reflecting off of the snow and ice that cover the surrounding canyon.
Many would argue that Gullfoss especially is its most beautiful during the winter months. The meaning of Gullfoss is ‘golden falls’, likely due to the golden hue that the sun casts on the spray from the falls.
In good conditions a rainbow can often be seen above the waterfall.
Much work has recently been done to improve the walking paths, but it is good to be careful and watch your step for potential icy patches at all of the locations.
There are upper and lower parking lots with walking paths that lead to the same location, but with different views.
Gullfoss, like nearly every major attraction in Iceland, has well-marked walking paths with signs saying which areas are off-limit. Please respect these areas – this is both for your safety, especially during winter, and to protect the surrounding nature and environment.
As Iceland happily welcomes an increase of tourists, we must all be responsible to ensure that these areas remain free and well-maintained for generations to come.
The waterfall is located along the Hvítá river and has two main drops – the first is roughly 11 meters, and the second 21 meters. During the summer months the water flows at an average pace of 141 cubic meters/second, and during the winter the average is around 80 cubic meters/second.
No matter what time of year you visit, hearing the powerful roar of the waterfall is massively impressive and makes you aware of how powerful the falls are.
One of the more unique aspects of this waterfall is that most of the main viewing points are from the top of the falls instead of from the bottom.
Other walking paths are located around the area, but can be closed off depending on the weather (snow, rain, or ice) or trail quality.
As a final precaution, it is recommended to bring crampons during the winter months if you plan on getting close to the falls.
Gullfoss is now one of the top three visited natural locations in Iceland, but just over 100 years ago it almost became the location of a dam for hydroelectric power. Both foreign and Icelandic investors expressed interest in the project.
Perhaps the most famous story surrounding Gullfoss is that of its protector, Sigríður Tómasdóttir. Born in Brattholt, a farming area around Gullfoss, Sigríður and her siblings grew up around the river and falls. It is said that they acted as tour guides for some of the many people who journeyed to see Gullfoss.
In the very beginning of the 1900’s Sigríður’s father and other landowners agreed to allow a hydroelectric dam to be built, which would have submerged Gullfoss. Sigríður was understandably upset, and this is where her journey begins.
Sigríður worked for years to save Gullfoss. She made many journeys to Reykjavík, 120 km away, either by horse or on on foot.
She staged protests, filed formal legal complaints, met with government officials, and is rumoured to have threatened to throw herself into the river. Her claims did not hold up from a legal standpoint in court but she gained great public attention and support.
The contracts were later cancelled and the hydroelectric dam was never built. Gullfoss and the surrounding area was sold to the Icelandic government and granted formal protection in the form of permanent conservation in 1979.
You can see a sculpture of Sigríður nearby the waterfall during your visit.
Thanks to Sigríður and the Icelandic government, visitors can continue to enjoy Gullfoss for free.
The visitor’s center at Gullfoss has restrooms, a gift shop, and a restaurant with views overlooking the falls. Their hours are usually from 9:30-18:30, though they may change due to holidays or weather.
Access to the waterfall is free of charge and the parking area and walking path are open 24/7. There are public restrooms at Gullfoss, but you need to pay a small fee to use them. If you have purchased something from the restaurant then you are welcome to use the restroom inside for free.
Next stop...
In addition to these classic Golden Circle stops, there are many other wonderful places to stop along the way depending on your interests and time frame.
The main road for the Golden Circle has many different vista points where you can stop to take photographs and admire the scenery. There are also other smaller waterfalls, craters, and local companies to visit.
Often included in extended Golden Circle tours, Kerið is a 3000-year-old volcanic crater lake located in the Grímsnes region.
During the winter months, the red volcanic rock is often dusted with snow and the lake partially frozen over. It has a completely different landscape than the summer months, giving you a unique perspective that most visitors to Iceland will miss.
It is an easy addition to your self-drive tour as it is just off of highway 35. There is a small car park and in recent years, a modest fee has been charged to help the landowners maintain the area and walking path due to increased interest from visitors.
Faxi Waterfall is another simple and straightforward addition to your self-drive tour. Just 12 kilometres from Geysir and Gullfoss, it is easily accessible year-round.
At 80 meters wide and seven meters high, it is sometimes called a miniature Gullfoss. You can also get much closer to this waterfall than you can to Gullfoss, and there are fantastic photo opportunities from upper and lower levels.
Ways to warm up

The Friðheimar Greenhouse may also be of interest to some visitors. The greenhouses are often included in longer Golden Circle tours, and it is an excellent place to stop for lunch.
Friðheimar is famous for their locally grown tomatoes and cucumbers. You can take a tour to see how they grow produce using geothermal water, hydroelectricity, and the help of bees.
The tours must be booked in advance, but even if you do not tour it is a very cosy and interesting stop. They are able to grow produce year-round and their restaurant is open from 12:00-16:00 every day.
You can try the delicious tomato soup, tomato beer, and even tomato ice cream! Their restaurant is located inside the main greenhouse, so you can step in to warm up and relax in a unique setting while snow gently falls outside.
Efstidalur farm is located right in the middle of the Golden Circle, and is family owned and operated. These experienced dairy farmers have been living on the property for 7 generations.
Originally, they were exclusively dairy farmers, but in 2002 began expanding alongside Icelandic tourism. They offer a variety of milk products, notably their own ice cream.
You can stop by the farm to see how an Icelandic dairy farm operates, say hello to the many farm animals including cows, horses, chickens, dogs, cats, and a pig, and get a taste of extremely fresh and delicious Icelandic ice cream.
Ice cream is a popular treat for Icelanders year-round, so enjoying an ice cream cone while it is snowing outside is really a traditional Icelandic experience.
Laugarvatn Fontana Spa is another great addition to your Golden Circle tour to help you wind down after a day of exploring.
Located in the small town of Laugarvatn just off a large lake, these warm baths offer a relaxing soak in the natural geothermal waters. You can also visit the steam room or jump straight in the icy lake for a refreshing shock!
They are open year-round, though their winter hours can vary. They recommend booking a day in advance on their website,
This is a quiet, small, and lesser-known geothermal pool with beautiful views across the lake and the mountains that surround it.
You can also try your luck at seeing the Northern Lights from this location – seeing the lights while in a hot pot with a drink in your hand is a wonderful way to end the day.
The magic of Icelandic winter

It is important to remember that Iceland has shortened daylight hours in winter, so plan your trip accordingly to allow daylight at each location. Depending on what time you head back to your accommodation, you may get lucky and see the Northern Lights.
The best months to view the lights in Iceland are from the end of August to mid-April, and if conditions are right, being out of the city gives you the best chance to catch them.
The most important thing to look for when searching for the auroras are clear skies. The activity scale can also be a helpful indicator of which nights will have the most activity, but you still need to be lucky and in the right place at the right time.
There are many websites to help you stay up-to-date with the northern lights forecast, with the best local one being
With some luck, you will be able to end a fantastic Golden Circle day tour watching the aurora borealis dance above a winter wonderland.
White gold- final tips..

So remember our key tips before you take on the most famous route in Iceland:
- Always check the road conditions and weather
- Layer up in appropriate winter clothing
- And keep your eyes on the skies after dark!
We hope that this information allows you to plan your ideal Golden Circle trip during your stay in Iceland, and The Five Million Star Hotel may just be the perfect place to rest your head after your adventures.
Winter on the island can be cold, windy, and absolutely stunning. You will see and experience winter in an entirely new way, with plenty of stops to photograph your journey. Stay safe and enjoy!
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person