Exploring South-Iceland's Breathtaking Skógafoss Waterfall and Its Fabled Treasure Chest
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Oh, Skógafoss! To me, it’s not just a waterfall; it’s a scrapbook of my childhood memories. Picture this: tiny me, struggling to peek over the tall grass, clinging to my mom and dad’s hands, eyes wide at the sight of that enormous wall of water crashing down. And getting soaked every time we edged close? That was the best bit!
Those rainbows, though – they were the real stars of the show. On a sunny day? They’re something else. Sometimes you’d get a double rainbow, and it was like stepping straight into a fairy tale. Made you feel tiny and full of wonder.
And trying to capture those rainbows in a photo? What a saga that was! My partner, god bless her patience, kept snapping away with the camera. We got this one shot where I look like some sort of rainbow wizard – hilarious! And those stairs to the top, all 527 of them – they’re a trek and a half. I tackled them on a freezing day in November. Talk about a wind-blasted workout! But that view at the top? Worth every gasp for breath. It’s a whole different world up there.
Skógafoss is just the start. The Skógá river’s lined with over 30 waterfalls, and I’m hitting them all next summer. If you’re around there, do me a solid? Count ’em for me. I’ve heard numbers all over the place, from 22 to 37.
And remember 2010, when Eyjafjallajökull blew its top? Covered everything in ash, Skógafoss included. Broke my heart seeing it all grey and dull.
Driving down that ring road now, it’s like stepping back into those old road trips with my dad. Each waterfall, Skógafoss in particular, just floods me with his tall tales.
Discovering the Tale Behind Skógafoss waterfall Treasure Chest

Speaking of which, ever hear about Skógafoss’s hidden treasure? Total Viking saga stuff. Þrasi, some bigwig back in the 900s, supposedly stashed his loot there. Gold, silver – the works. Found out about it from “Þjóðsögur Jóns Árnasonar,” kinda like the storybooks Dad used to read. Makes me think, maybe those childhood treasure hunts weren’t so silly after all.
You know, it’s a bit of a local debate whether Þrasi lived at Eystriskogar or Thrasastadir Farm, right by Skógafoss. These days, that area’s called Skógar, pretty much the furthest east you can go in Rangarávallasýsla. And get this: Þrasi wasn’t the only big name around. Loðmundur, his neighbor, lived over at Sólheimar, just a stone’s throw from the Sólheimasandur Sands.
These two? They were like the Gandalf and Dumbledore of their time, doing all sorts of wizardry stuff together at Sólheimar. Then there was Fúlilækur, this river that wasn’t exactly a crowd-pleaser. It snaked through their land before hitting the Jökulsár Glacial River. Legend has it Þrasi and Loðmundur split it ’cause nobody wanted it too close. Thanks to that, Sólheimasandur Plains are pretty bare. Even now, if you squint, you can see old riverbeds all over the place.
The whole neighborhood suddenly caught on to what was going down. Imagine this – on one side of that Jökulsá glacial river, there’s this sweet spot called Loðmundarsæti, nestled all comfy in the Sólheimaheiði heath. And bam, right across from it, you’ve got Þrasaháls hill, chilling on Mt. Skógafjall, just giving Loðmundarsæti a stare-down. The river, it sneaks through those hills, slicing through narrow gorges before it spreads out onto these sandy plains.
Legend has it that Þrasi and Loðmundur, they had this epic showdown right there, and then, they patched things up. They made this pact, you know? Decided to guide that river straight to the sea, taking the shortest path through the sandy plains. It’s like they said, “Let’s make peace and show this river the way out!”
Back in the day, folks said this spot was where Þrasi and Loðmundur buried the hatchet. They shook hands and said, “Hey, let’s lead this river home, buddy!”
Even now, the river by Skógafoss seems to remember Þrasi and Loðmundur’s old arguments. There’s a constant swirl in the water, like it’s replaying their disagreements. It’s kind of like how, in my backyard, the wind makes the leaves dance, caught up in a never-ending waltz. People say this quirky behavior of the river comes from the two men’s ancient dispute.
Then there’s the story about Þrasi’s treasure. It’s said he hid a chest full of gold right under Skógafoss. They used to say you could see a part of it sticking out, just beneath the waterfall. Kind of like those half-hidden objects in a game of I Spy I used to play with my cousins. Imagine that – a treasure chest, partly visible, yet unreachable, hidden by the waterfall’s misty curtain. Every time I visit, I can’t help but look for it, like searching for shapes in clouds, knowing it’s just a legend, but part of me still wonders.
There is an old rhyme which goes something like this in Icelandic:
“”Þrasakista auðug er
undir fossi Skóga,
hver sem þangað fyrstur fer
finnur auðlegð nóga.”
Translated to English reads as:
“Tharis’ chest is filled with treasure.
Skógafoss Waterfall can be seen nearby.
First Runner to arrive there
Discover extraordinary wealth.”
Moving forward, heard about the time three guys from Ámundi Þormóðsson’s era went to grab a chest under a waterfall at Skógar? It’s like those childhood missions to find hidden treasures. They saw Ámundi’s farm, thought it was on fire, and dashed back. False alarm, though – reminds me of when we’d mistake shadows for monsters as kids.
They went back, determined. Getting close to the chest, they hooked a ring on it. Just as they were about to get it, the chain snapped, leaving just the ring, now in Skógar church. That chest, like those almost-wins in life, stayed right where it was.
There are these chest rings from old churches, like the ones from Skógakirkja, that you can check out at the SkógarMuseum. One particular church, which got deconsecrated back in 1890, is now part of the museum, but it had already been deconsecrated years before that.
When they deconsecrated the church at Skogar, they took its amazing chest ring over to the Eyvindarholar church nearby. But later, that church got demolished, and they used bits of it to build a new one in 1960.
When I swung by Hotel Skógar, I made a pit stop at this neat modern church. Turns out, their chest ring made its way to the Skógar Museum as a donation, and now it’s on display there.

Robert Robertsson
Hey, I'm the founder of Airmango. My love affair with travel and entrepreneurship kicked off in 1994 in Iceland. Fast forward through two decades, and I've been lucky enough to weave my career through five different countries. Each place has left its mark on me, not just in my personal life, but in how I approach business too. With Airmango, I'm bringing all those global insights and experiences to the table – it's like seeing the world through a business lens.
Seljalandsfoss Waterfall in Iceland - Travel Guide
Seljalandsfoss Waterfall in Iceland - Travel Guide
There’s no denying that Iceland can be considered a European kingdom of waterfalls – some of which are more visited than others. There are over 10,000 waterfalls scattered all over the island, but Seljalandsfoss is one of the few that stand out the most. Its multiple appearances in popular culture are proof enough of that.
No matter if you are just thinking about visiting Seljalandsfoss waterfall or already have your tickets and hotel room booked, learning new information about it wouldn’t hurt – it will either push you towards actually going there or make you even more excited about the upcoming trip. That’s why below, you will find a complete Seljalandsfoss travel guide that includes general information about it, how to get there, how much the entrance cost, and more.
About Seljalandsfoss Waterfall
One of the things that attract the visitors the most, and what makes it one of the most commonly visited sites in Iceland, is the fact that you can actually walk behind the waterfall and discover the South Coast from a new perspective.
How Seljalandsfoss Came to Be
You might be wondering – How was the Seljalandsfoss waterfall formed? Well, the waterfall is formed by the Seljalands River, which starts all the way in the Eyjafjallajökull Glacier Volcano (it is the same volcano that erupted in 2010 and disrupted Europe’s plane traffic).
The river is basically melted ice that cascades down a high cliff. Once upon a time, Seljalandsfoss reached all the way to the Atlantic Ocean – today, a patch of lowland separates the two. However, you can still see the ocean from the top of the cliff.
Visiting Seljalandsfoss - The Costs
You can enter the waterfall Seljalandsfoss for free – there’s no entrance fee, just as there are no operating hours. The only thing you will have to pay for if you are traveling by car is the parking lot fee (more about it below).
Seljalandsfoss and Popular Culture
As we already mentioned, the Seljalandsfoss waterfall has made plenty of appearances in front of the cameras. Here are some of the most known ones:
- The Juniper Tree (1990) – the movie is set in Iceland and features many of Iceland’s famous landscapes, including Seljalandsfoss.
- The Amazing Race 6 (2004) – the contestants of the first leg were sent to Iceland, where they visited Seljalandsfoss, as well as some other popular locations, such as the Blue Lagoon.
- I’ll Show You (2015) – in Justin Bieber’s music video, the singer is seen standing in front of the waterfall. As of this day, the video has over 487 million views.

How to Get to Seljalandsfoss
Unfortunately, you cannot get to the waterfall by using public transport. The only two ways to reach it are by car, by bicycle or through an organized tour.
The Seljalandsfoss waterfall is located close to the Golden Circle, about two hours from the capital of Iceland – Reykjavik. To get there, you have to follow road number 1 (Ring Road) – the waterfall is visible from it – and then take the paved road number 249, which will take you directly to the official parking lot. You will need to pay 700 ISK for a spot (payment done by card).
While there’s no limit when it comes to how much time your car can stay parked, we recommend not leaving it for more than 24 hours, as for each day the car occupies the spot, you will have to make a new payment.
While we wouldn’t say that this is the best way to reach Seljalandsfoss, there are some people who decide to do it, so we decided to include it. If you follow the same route as if you were going by car, you should be able to get there without too much trouble.
Organized Tour
Another way to get to Seljalandsfoss is by choosing an organized tour instead of solo travel. Most, if not all, travel agencies have a tour of South Iceland in their offer.

Seljalandsfoss Waterfall - Best Time to Visit
Truth be told, you can visit the waterfall at any time of the year. However, if you decide to do it during winter, you have to keep in mind that the path behind Seljalandsfoss waterfall might be closed due to safety precautions, as it becomes slippery. If it’s open, you have to be extremely careful and wear shoes that make you stable. What’s more, the slippery ice is not the only thing to watch out for during winter – it’s important also to look up as there might be some icicles falling. Some people go as far as wearing crampons so that the chances of slipping become as low as possible.
When it comes to what hour will be the best to pay Seljalandsfoss a visit, the answer is either morning or evening hours. During the day it can get crowded, as it is a popular tourist attraction. It might be too dark and dangerous during the night, especially if you were thinking about visiting the path behind it as there’s no onsite lighting.
Seljalandsfoss - What to Wear
This is another very important thing to consider before paying a visit to the waterfall Seljalandsfoss – you need to dress accordingly, as you might end up soaked from head to toes because of the wind, the mist from falling water reaches quite far. It doesn’t matter when you visit Seljalandsfoss waterfall – be it during summer or winter – proper clothing is essential.
So, the best things to wear during your visit to Seljalandsfoss are hiking boots with high-quality soles, a raincoat and rain pants. It would also be a good idea to invest in a waterproof bag. Sure, you can wear a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, you have to prepare yourself to change into dry clothes as soon as your visit is over. If you want to go behind Seljalandsfoss during winter, make sure to have multiple layers on as it can get freezing cold.
Seljalandsfoss - Other Attractions Located Nearby
Seljalandsfoss is not the only tourist attraction in the area. There are a few more that can be easily accessed by car. Those include:
- Gljufrabui Waterfall – to get there, you need to go a little further down the road 249. Despite its size (it is 40 m or 131 feet tall), the waterfall is often overlooked by people as it is hidden inside a canyon.
- Skogafoss – a trip to Seljalandsfoss is not complete without visiting Skogafoss as well. Skogafoss is yet another beautiful waterfall. While you cannot walk behind it, it doesn’t make it any less worth seeing. What’s more, there’s a legend going around that the first settler, called Þrasi Þórólfsson, placed a treasure chest under it. However, no one was lucky enough to find it yet.
- The Golden Circle – those who visit Seljalandsfoss often combine it with a trip to the Golden Circle. The world-renowned road trip includes plenty of jaw-dropping landscapes, the most popular being the Thingvellir National Park, Geysir Geothermal Area and Gullfoss waterfall. Along the way, you will encounter plenty of historical towns, volcano craters, hot springs, and more.

Seljalandsfoss - Frequently Asked Questions
Seljalandsfoss, which also goes by Seljaland waterfall, means “selling the land of waterfalls” in English. The word ‘foss’ means waterfall, so if you see it in the name, you can be almost 100% sure that it will be a waterfall.
The pronunciation of most Icelandic words can be difficult for some people – which is also the case for Seljalandsfoss. It sounds something like Sa-lya-lands-foss. If you wish to hear how to say it, you can find many resources on the internet, such as this one.
In theory, you can. However, the chances of actually getting to see the Northern Lights from there are pretty low. There are many other locations in which the lights will be much more visible.
Depending on whether you will stop along the way for some pictures or just to admire the view, the hike shouldn’t take you more than 15 minutes.
The Bottom Line
Iceland is known for its waterfalls. They are some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, which is why it shouldn’t come as a surprise that thousands, if not millions of people visit them every year. Some are more known by tourists than others, and the Seljalandsfoss waterfall is the perfect example of that.
We hope that after reading this article you have a better understanding of some of the most important aspects of traveling to Seljalandsfoss, such as how to get there, when is the best time to visit, what you should wear when visiting the waterfall, what are some more sites located near that are worth seeing, and more. Bon Voyage!
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
Festivals & Concerts in Iceland
Festivals & Concerts in Iceland
By Michael Chapman
Festivals & Concerts in Iceland
By Michael Chapman
What are the biggest music and film festivals in Iceland, and when are they held? What other smaller events take place each year? Read on to find out all you need to know about Iceland festivals taking place throughout the year.
Typically, thoughts of Iceland go hand-in-hand with peaceful solitude, open landscapes and natural tranquillity. However, every month or so, pockets of this sub-arctic island come alive with party-goers eager to hear the latest bands, see the newest films, or participate in events that demonstrate pride in Icelandic history and culture.

Iceland has long boasted a reputation for being an artistically tuned-in nation. The talent and drive to create incredible, experimental sounds is alive and well here, with live performances being part-and-parcel of daily life. However, with that said, well-known bands and artists like Bjork, Of Monsters & Men and Sigur Ros are just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows? Maybe you’ll discover your new favourite musician after taking a trip to Iceland?
In times of COVID-19, Iceland’s festival circuit took a hit, with many events cancelled due to health concerns and limitations on crowd sizes. As restrictions lift here, event organisers, performers and festival-goers are eager to make up for lost time.
The Biggest Festivals in Iceland

As we move into a post-pandemic world, Icelanders will slowly be returning to the festival circuit they know so well. So, without further ado, let us look into what festivals and events are considered the big favourites every year.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
Secret Solstice
Secret Solstice is very much an open secret, it must be said. It is among the biggest music festivals in Iceland annually, attracting local and international artists to the stage and thousands of happy music fans. If you’re looking for an authentic party atmosphere, then Secret Solstice is most definitely your best bet!
The festival takes place in Laugardalur, a large green park found on the outskirts of Iceland’s capital city, Reykjavik. This recreation area is the perfect place to picnic and relax with loved ones in more typical circumstances, but the month of June is a different story altogether. It is cordoned off with chain-link fences, and ticket-holders queue up eagerly outside. As with all great festivals, guests are patted down and have their bags checked before entry to avoid an influx of alcohol and party drugs.
Previous years have seen some of the biggest international names in pop, rock and hip-hop. Famous acts such as The Sugarhill Gang, Anderson Cooper, Bonnie Tyler, The Black-Eyed Peas and Pussy Riot have graced the stage. Given such headliners, it is little wonder the festival gets more significant year after year after year.
Iceland Airwaves

Iceland Airwaves is another enormous music festival in Reykjavik, though the focus is far more on local, upcoming acts. Instead of the massive outdoor stages at Secret Solstice, concert-goers’ focus on smaller venues; bars and cafes, libraries and art museums, where guests can have a more intimate experience with the music.
Iceland Airwaves started in an empty hangar at Reykjavik Domestic Airport, all the way back in 1999. Only five bands were scheduled to perform but proved to be such a hit that the festival was quickly organised into a revolving event. Given Iceland’s geographical position on our planet, many festival-goers travel here solely for Iceland Airwaves to claim they’ve partied as close as one can to the Arctic Circle. Iceland music festivals don’t get more exciting than this!
Reykjavik Film Festival

Popcorn at the ready! For more visually-oriented guests, several film festivals take place in Iceland throughout the year. The Reykjavik Film Festival is the biggest of these, organised by the prestigious Icelandic Film Institute.
The Reykjavik Film Festival attracts famous guest-speakers such as the well-known director Baltasar Kormakur, famous for blockbuster productions like Everest (2015) and the original Netflix series Katla (2021).
The Icelandic film industry is much smaller than those found elsewhere. This status has little to do with the quality of the movies produced here but the sheer lack of people working on films at any given time. Nevertheless, previous Icelandic movies that have attracted international attention from the festival include Rams (2015) and Jar City (2006).
Reykjavik Pride Festival

Iceland’s progressive approach to LGBTQ+ rights is celebrated in August with the Reykjavik Pride Festival. Expect an abundance of rainbow flags and vibrant floats as the main parade travels down the city’s major shopping street, Laugavegur, as well as a wide array of events such as drag shows and queer-themed comedy.
2021 marked the 21st Pride Festival in the country. Like previous years, a 10-metre rainbow flag sewn by American gay activist Gilbert Baker leads the city’s parade. There are many ways to get involved; volunteering to be a flag-bearer or simply enjoying the festivities as a spectator.
Smaller Festivals in Iceland

Not every event or festival in Iceland is globally known, but those beloved locally are just as exciting for guests looking for a unique experience. Smaller festivals in Iceland are a great way to know Icelandic culture and history better and discover performers and artists on their way to stardom.
Frostbiter Horror Film Festival
Despite being held in the small town of Akranes, the Frostbiter Horror Film Festival has remained a staple event annually thanks to its focus on spooky cinema and annual prizes for the best contributions. In addition, filmmakers from around the globe submit their films for viewing, which adds a unique, international flavour to this event.
Perfect for devotees of horror, this festival showcases well-known hair-raisers, cult classics and informative documentaries. For instance, a documentary detailing ghosts in Icelandic folklore was showcased only this year, revealing a supernatural side to this culture that guests often overlook.
Dark Days Music Festival
Since its founding in 1980, Dark Days Music Festival focuses its lens on contemporary and progressive local sounds, transcending normal Iceland concerts for something entirely different.
Showcasing more new projects than any other event in Iceland, musicians and composers have long found inspiration at this Reykjavik-based festival. Given the amount of new work premiering, Dark Days is considered far more bold and daring than similar festivals and is sure to leave you with a lasting impression of this island’s musical capabilities.
Unfortunately, Dark Days Music Festival was cancelled in 2021 due to concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic. The next Dark Days Music Festival is scheduled for January 2022.
Winter Lights Festival
To close off the season in style, Iceland’s Winter Lights Festival takes place annually each February. Reykjavik city centre is decked out with fantastic light installations, extending the festive Christmas period well into the new year.
Festival guests are invited to participate in the Winter Lights walk, which begins at the city landmark church, Hallgrimskirkja and ends at City Hall, on the banks of Lake Tjornin. As if that’s not enough, there is also an interesting art walk that showcases Icelandic cultural talent.
Cultural Events in Iceland

Icelandic culture goes well beyond music and film. This island has a long history of birthing fabulous artists, from landscape painters to innovative sculptors, all of which are best found at various cultural events around the country.
Danish Days
Iceland and Denmark have a long relationship in so much as the two nations were united under the Danish Crown, right up until the latter’s invasion from Nazi Germany in 1940. There are still reminders of this connection; take the castle-like Danish Embassy in Reykjavik, which remains one of the more impressive buildings in the city.
Such history is celebrated with the Danish Days festival in the small town of Stykkishólmur on the Snaefellsnes Peninsula. Stykkishólmur was an important port for Danish and Icelandic traders in prior centuries, acting as one of the foundational pillars for the controversial Danish Trade Monopoly.
Reykjavik Fringe Festival

Creativity is at the heart of the Reykjavik Fringe Festival, which takes a casual, grassroots approach to what shows it hosts under its banner. Stand-up comics, drag queens, singers, beat-poets, musicians; all have the chance to book themselves a spot at any one of the many venues available city-wide.
The Reykjavik Fringe Festival is part of the Nordic Fringe Network, a regulatory body that oversees counterpart festivals in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania and Finland. Like these, the festival’s acts are only half the story; there is a fantastic opening and closing party, as well as a prestigious awards ceremony.
It is one of the newest festivals on the circuit, having only started in 2017. Thankfully, the event is held at the height of summer, transforming the city with its bohemian atmosphere. The Midnight Sun provides plenty of time to enjoy countless acts throughout the capital, with ticket-holders able to move from show to show at their leisure.
LungA Arts Festival

Held annually in the East Iceland town of Seyðisfjörður, the LungA Arts Festival is a must-do for culture lovers. Not only will guests discover a wealth of art exhibitions and concerts, but they can also participate in various informative courses and lectures.
LungA first began in 2000 and has gone from strength to strength each year. One example of this growth is the opening of LungA School, an educational institute dedicated to artists and their processes. Previous instructors at the school have included the hilarious Icelandic cartoonist Hugleikur Dagsson, American Rapper Princess Nokia and the renowned local author, Andri Snær Magnason.
Imagine Peace Tower
In the depths of winter, you might look outside your hotel window in the city and witness a glowing beam of white light shooting towards the stars. In tribute to the late-Beatles member, John Lennon, the Imagine Peace Tower illuminates the October skies from the island of Videy, just off Reykjavik’s coast.
Created and attended each year by his wife and multimedia artist Yoko Ono, the Imagine Peace Tower symbolises hope and light, a direct response to the conflicts and tragedies occurring globally each year. The tower was unveiled on October 9th 2007, which would have been John Lennon’s 67th birthday, and remains lit until the anniversary of his death on December 8th.
Reykjavik Culture Night

For one night each year, venues across Reykjavik dedicate themselves to showcasing the city’s cultural heritage. Both guests and residents have the chance to delve into the city’s history, from the moment early settlers arrived from Norway, to the western republic we know and love today.
The date, August 21st, marks the beginning of the calendar for many museums and art galleries, who launch their programme of events from then. Thankfully, all events taking place between 1pm – 11pm are entirely free to partake in. In addition, there are many museums and other cultural establishments you can visit; The National Museum, The Settlement Museum and Perlan Museum and Observation Deck, to name just a handful.
To top off the evening, a glorious firework display takes place above the iconic Lutheran church, Hallgrimskirkja. Watching the colourful explosions erupt above you, you’ll realise there’s no better time to enjoy the city than on Culture Night.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
Supermarkets & Groceries in Iceland: 5 Things you should know
Supermarkets & Groceries in Iceland: 5 Things you should know
By Michael Chapman
Supermarkets & Groceries in Iceland: 5 Things you should know
Which supermarkets in Iceland are best for travellers on a budget? What kind of food is available for purchase, and what hours are stores open? Read on to find out five essential things you should know about supermarkets and groceries in Iceland.
Among the most commonly shared facts about Iceland is its expensive cost of living, especially when compared to other countries across Europe. When it comes to Iceland grocery shopping, the story is not too much different; you’ll likely find the prices more than you’d initially expect.
Icelanders rely on imported goods, everything from clothes to electronics and snacks. As you can imagine, this means that each item comes at a more significant expense, which is often a shock for guests accustomed to cheaper locales. Fear not, though; whatever Iceland grocery store you visit, you are sure to find all you need available to purchase on their shelves.
Buy Iceland groceries to keep within your travel budget

Wallet-conscious travellers need to know how to keep their costs down when in the land of ice and fire. One of the best methods of mitigating your expenses is purchasing food, drink and other necessities from any of Iceland’s supermarkets. For the purposes of this article, when we mention buying some Iceland grocery, we are referring to shops throughout the country, rather than Iceland supermarket specifically.
In fact, grocery shopping in Iceland should be considered a necessity, whatever your budget. Preparing your meals is always a cost-effective option, especially considering the prices in petrol stations and other small shops located on the Ring Road. For example, a mere soda and hot dog will likely set you back $15 USD, or £11 GBP. Who really needs that when the budget is already stretched?
Given the costs you’ll already be putting forward for accommodation, vehicle rentals and activities, it’s much wiser to keep conscientious about your food purchases throughout the holiday period. That’s not to say you shouldn’t head out to explore Iceland’s fine dining restaurants, but eating out should be thought of as a treat if you hope to return home with any cash at all.
The cheapest supermarkets in Iceland are Bonus and Kronan
The two largest and cheapest chains are Bonus and Kronan, the latter coming out as just a tad more expensive. Iceland groceries don’t come more bog standard than this, making both supermarkets a favourite for residents and visitors alike.
Note that there hasn’t been a price test conducted over all supermarkets in Iceland since 2019, so costs will likely differ year to year. If you have any doubt as to the price of an item, you can often scan its barcode at one of the many price-check outlets situated around the store.
However, rest easy knowing Bonus and Kronan are always the go-to supermarkets if you’re looking to save the pennies. Getting your fill of Iceland grocery doesn’t need to break the bank!
Both supermarkets promote a bright yellow colour scheme and can be found close by to most major urban settlements in the country. You’ll know you’ve arrived at a Bonus if you see their pink Piggy-bank mascot, while a smiling coin represents Kronan.
Bonus and Kronan offer a wide selection of food and drink items, though they differ in brands. All necessities are available to purchase; fresh fish and meats, cheeses, milk, bread, fruits and vegetables. Any extra items you might need, from toothbrushes to sunscreen to sunglasses, can also be located at either store.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
There are a range of other supermarkets in Iceland

Netto is a mid-scale supermarket that offers a wide variety of food, drinks and goods. It is not much more expensive than Bonus and Krona, so it makes for a suitable alternative that should be far away from the cheaper markets. In addition, many Netto stores stay open throughout the night, making this a good choice for those who arrive in Reykjavik in the early hours of the morning.
Hagkaup is the supermarket that branches off from just food, offering clothes, toys, cosmetics, garden furniture and many other items. In this way, the store resembles a mall more than your average grocers, and you can spend a decent half-hour perusing the many wares on offer.
10/11 is one supermarket to be avoided as it almost entirely catered to tourists or those too lazy to walk an extra half-mile to a cheaper store. While there is very little difference in the wares offered, the price differentiation is astronomical and without consistency from store to store.
Krambudin is much the same, though a different company owns it. However, if you do plan on shopping here, expect your bill to be around 50% higher. So why not ask yourself, are you so flush with cash that you don’t mind being robbed in broad daylight? No, we thought not. So best keep the purse strings tight, eh?

The supermarket chain ‘Iceland’ can also be found here, though there are far fewer stores than, say, in the UK or the rest of Europe.
Previous price tests have shown Iceland to be the most expensive supermarket in the country, which is odd considering its focus on frozen meals. However, having lived in this country for over five years now, I’ve never personally witnessed anyone shopping in an Iceland supermarket, which begs the question as to how they remain open.
Perhaps most guests forgive the expense in exchange for snapping a picture in front of the supermarket’s sizeable white lettering if only to add a fun, meta contribution to their holiday album. For those without much sense of humour, this could very well be the high point of your holiday abroad. Iceland in Iceland, after all… now that’s funny…
You can buy classic Icelandic food!

Grocery shopping in Iceland can be a fun activity in itself if you approach it with the mindset of trying out new and delicious meals.
For centuries, Icelanders relied on whatever food was available, mainly fresh fish, other seafood, and lamb. Over the years, these ingredients have been perfected and make up the foundations of modern Icelandic cuisine.
Skyr is another old yet widely popular dessert eaten every day by Icelanders, either as part of a healthy breakfast or a quick snack between meals. Though the plainest flavours boast a yoghurt consistency and taste, Skyr is a curdled cheese, similar to that eaten in Russia and Germany. Many people enjoy eating Skyr paired with oats and berries, while others are happy to eat it as is.
Another popular dish in Iceland is plokkfiskur, better understood as mashed white fish served with potato and, in some cases, cheese, with a side of buttered rye bread.
The Icelandic food listed above is just a handful of examples of what Icelanders commonly eat. For genuinely adventurous eaters, you’ll find more intimidating options in the form of liver sausage, fermented shark, or hanged meats.
You’ll find recognisable brands on sale in Icelandic supermarkets

Well, we’ve presented you with some ideas about what the Icelanders like to eat, but there’s always the chance you’re something of a philistine when it comes to eating overseas cuisine. If you are, fear not; there are hundreds of international brands ready for purchase and will bring with them all the comfort you’re used to at home.
For quick snacks on the road, you can grab crisp brands like Doritos, Pringles and Lays. If you are more of a sweet-tooth, you’ll find classic chocolates like Twix, Snickers, Oreos and Hersheys. While none of these are healthy, per se, they might give you a minor dopamine hit, a little reminder of home on your travels.
Of course, there are many other well-known brands beyond the world of snacks. For example, the world-famous Heinz company offers nearly its full range of sauces and tinned goods. UK visitors can also find the likes of Coleman’s Mustard and Branston Pickle, should they keep an eye out for them when browsing grocery stores in Iceland.
For travellers coming from beyond the west, there are many South-East Asian grocery stores in Iceland. Here, you can buy all manner of noodles, fish and rice dishes, and exotic ingredients you might not have expected to find on this lonely, sub-arctic island.
Other useful information about shopping in Iceland

Despite what you might think, Icelanders are busy people, so rely on self-checkout to get in and out of the shop quickly.
When it’s time to pay, you’ll likely find only a few cashiers on duty, so it’s best to scan the items yourself. Employees keep a keen-eye on the self-checkout machines throughout the day, so there’ll be no five-finger discounts unless you’re prepared to spend the night in a Reykjavik jail cell.
Self-checkouts bring us to another important point. Icelanders are bona fide plastic payers, meaning credit and debit cards are the go-to choice for transactions rather than cash. Many places across the country do not accept cash, so always be sure to keep your cards handy on your person when travelling.
Plastic bags are also no longer available in many supermarkets, with brown paper bags offered as an alternative. Be aware that these are also not free, and you will have to pay a few extra krona should you forget to bring your own bag with you.

In times of COVID-19, all grocery stores in Iceland have implemented hand sanitisers at their entrance. Though most restrictions have been lifted here, it is still important to keep distance between you and other shoppers.
While we’re taking notes, be aware that any product containing an alcohol level above 2.25% is not sold in Icelandic supermarkets. You can only buy beer, wine and spirits in state-run liquor stores.
Guests should also be aware that much of Iceland’s fruit and vegetable produce is imported, meaning it is far from fresh. This can be particularly irritating for vegetarians, vegans, or any traveller conscious of healthy eating habits.
One of the most disappointing shopping experiences that occurs regularly in Iceland, for instance, is to buy an avocado only to find at home that it has already begun rotting on the inside. Because of this quick degradation, shoppers should plan to eat their fruit and vegetables soon after buying them.
Opening Hours for Grocery Stores in Iceland

Below, you can find the opening hours for each of Iceland’s supermarkets. Do note, however, that opening hours for Iceland supermarkets are liable to change on holidays. Always make sure to check the company website before heading out to grocery stores in Iceland so as not to interrupt your travel plans.
(Monday – Thursday) 11.00 – 18.30
(Friday) 10.00 – 19.00
(Saturday – Sunday) 10.00/11.00 – 18.00
(Monday – Sunday) Hours differ between stores. See here.
(Monday – Sunday) 09.00 – 21.00 or Open 24 Hours
(Monday – Sunday) Hours differ between stores. See here.
(Monday – Sunday) 07.00 – 12.00
(Monday – Sunday) 24 Hours
Again, please be aware that opening hours for supermarkets in Iceland change from time to time, so always be sure to check the website before setting out.
In Conclusion
In conclusion, shopping at supermarkets in Iceland is sure to save a penny or two, as long as you’re aware of which shops boast the best prices. What Iceland grocery store you choose to visit is up to you!
Aside from the days you decide to eat-out at a restaurant or cafe, be sure to pack your lunches and snacks with items bought from either Bonus or Krona, or any other cheap Iceland grocery store you come across. Remember; you’re bound to get more bang for your buck when purchasing Iceland groceries over ready-made meals.
If late into the night you’re feeling peckish, or are in sudden need of bathroom necessities, 24/7 shops like Netto and 10/11 are your best bet. Though you might not think it considering the diminutive size of this country, grocery stores in Iceland mirror larger countries in being available for late-night buys.
Whatever the situation, there’s a supermarket, food mart, corner shop or grocery stores in Iceland that will provide you with all you need.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
Top 10 Hot Springs in Iceland that you must visit
The top 10 Hot Springs in Iceland that you must visit
It is a challenge to only choose 10 hot springs in Iceland. There are so many, from the ultra-natural bubbling rivers of the geothermal mountains to the man-made heated swimming pools in the manicured city centers.
Though born of different means, all of these hot water experiences are bound by the age-old Icelandic love of swimming comfortably in all seasons, and the incredible gift of this land, the geothermally heated water from deep within the earth. The ones we’ve chosen here represent a variety of access and experience and are spread across the country, making them great stop options on a self-drive adventure.
So throw a few towels in the car, and don’t forget your swimsuit, because there isn’t a meter of this island that doesn’t boast an incredible hot spring or swimming hole.

Reykjadalur: A hot river in a steaming valley
Tucked away in the mountains nearby Hveragerði, is this gem of the extinct Hengill volcanic system. A short half-hour drive from Reykjavík (and in the backyard of the Bubbles!), lies this picturesque geothermal river in the colorful southern mountains.
This area is known for its colorful, steamy surroundings, and the many interesting ways that people have learned to live with the active land. (If you stay awhile, you’ll notice all the greenhouses and hear the stories about cooking food buried in the ground! You may even get to try some..)
After venturing forth through the charming town of Hveragerði, you’ll find that there is not only a place to park your vehicle, but also a small coffeehouse where you can inquire about the weather, have a piece of cake, and use the facilities.
To reach the natural hot springs, you must first hike 3km up into the valley, through an endless diorama of far-reaching vistas and tumbling falls. The name of this spring means “Smoky Valley”, and the scenery certainly backs it up.
The beginning of the river hosts a wooden walkway and some basic structures to change behind, but the only bathrooms are at the very beginning of the hike in the parking lot. These pathways have been installed to protect the banks of the river in the most popular bathing spot, where the temperature is milder.

The river is quite long, however, and the further down you go the hotter the water becomes, so make sure to test it before you enter. The earthen banks of the river and the mud at the edges can be surprisingly hot!
Reykjadalur is a favorite among locals and a treasure of the southwestern region. Give yourself ample time to enjoy the hike, explore the area, and to marvel at how quickly the hot waters replenish your tired muscles.
And don’t forget your torch if you are hiking during a darker season. The pathway up can be gravelly in places, and the weather conditions can change quickly.

Hveravellir: The highland oasis
Located in a protected nature reserve between two glaciers, Hveravellir is one of our favorite hot springs in Iceland. Hveravellir is a name shared by a gorgeous highland pool, a volcano, and a geothermal field of the Oddnýjarhnjúkur-Langjökull subglacial volcanic system. (So these things are all related pieces of a whole.)
You can reach it by driving the Kjölur Route (F35) into the west highlands- which is an entire adventure in itself! It sits nearly 90km from the wide falls of Gullfoss, and 100km from the nearest petrol station, so a trip to Hveravellir is truly a walk into a wilder world.
Journeying into the highlands can be difficult for an inexperienced driver, but have no fear! There are highland busses that depart for this area if you’d like to be ferried out into the ethereal wilderness by an astute guide. (Which is certainly worth it, because they always have the best stories.)
Formed in 1950 by damming a stream, Hveravellir is a must-stop for hot spring enthusiasts. Similar to many geothermal bathing areas, Hveravellir is characterized by numerous bubbling mud pits, fumaroles, colorful areas of mineral build-up, and various natural hot spring manifestations. Be cautious in areas like these, though.
Not all pools are safe to swim in, and the temperatures of the mud can grow quite high. (There’s even an internet cafe and service center! Check out their live webcam of the area to see what the weather is like before you head out.)
This area connects the north and the south and is one of the few highland paths that will take you straight through. It is an incredible and quiet area to explore and is some of the last true wilderness in Europe.
Popular for trekkers, equestrians, and super jeep enthusiasts alike, this oasis in the highlands truly calls us back to the early days of outlaws hiding from the law in remote glacial caves. Perhaps while you’re out here, soaking in one of the best hot springs in Iceland, you can remember them and the amazing stories they left behind.
Secret Lagoon: The oldest swimming hole in all of Iceland
Locally known as Gamla Laugin, this place began like many of the hot springs in Iceland- a place to do some laundry. (Exciting, no?)
In the late 1800s locals from the nearby town of Flúðir used to venture out to this geothermal area to do their washing up, and eventually to learn to swim! They say that some of the first swimming lessons in Iceland were held here, and these lessons continued on until the late 1940s.
Swimming is such a staple of Icelandic life, that this area was even the site of the legislative body of the Flúðir townspeople once.
These days, the lagoon has been given some extra attention and has been updated a bit from its humble beginnings, but it has not changed too much.
It’s a beautiful spot made better by the care and delicate maintenance of the residents- but you’ll still get the original Icelandic experience here, like the generations before you that so loved these natural hot springs.
These days, there’s a small changing and shower area, and even a tiny bistro serving snacks and drinks! There is a walking path around the pool itself, to give visitors a chance to view the spring in action and actually see where the hot water that feeds the natural hot springs is coming from.
The bubbling waters creep out from various places throughout the Hverahólmi geothermal area, and the hot steam protects the lush moss and vegetation.
These waters also feed geysers, and they circulate themselves within a mere 24 hours- so you know you’re getting a fresh start every day. All of this water is fed into the lagoon naturally, and it stays at around 39°C year-round, so you can visit for a dip regardless of the season you travel in.
(And trust us, there are few things more magical than unwinding in a natural hot spring while the glistening snow piles up all around. Except of course running off to a cozy Bubble for a post-spring snooze. Best sleep you can imagine!)

Kerlingarfjöll: Bathe among the trolls!
Named “Old lady mountains”, this highland mountain range tells a tale of an old female troll that went wandering and stayed out a bit too long, which of course spelled her doom. As we’re sure you know, trolls can’t wander under the light of day, and so any troll that feels the rays of the sun instantly turns to stone.
Haven’t you noticed the strange rock stacks and faces in the mountains? Keep an eye out on your journeys here, and you might yet spy an unlucky wayward troll. (The rest of them have gotten the picture, and are well hidden.)
We can imagine that she must have been overwhelmed by the beauty of the place, much as we are! This 10,000-year-old mountain range was formed by volcanic activity way back in the heyday of the trolls and remains a coveted destination because of its rainbow rhyolite mountains, steaming geothermal areas, and incredible lonely vistas.
Hikers love this region for its beauty and remote peace, and snowmobilers love it in the winter for its endless slopes and great powder. (We love it for its natural hot springs!)
Much like Hveravellir, this location is also reachable by traveling the Kjölur or Kjalvegur Route. A 4×4 is recommended for unpaved F road treks like these, but special public transport can get you here as well. And if you’re a winter traveler, we highly suggest joining a tour with an experienced guide.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person

The highlands are their very own planet, so the weather conditions are best interpreted by someone with a few seasons under their belt.
In the summer, however, the highlands open up with mostly clear roads and their colors on full display. Though keep an eye out, you are likely to still find some snow in the mountains even during the height of July. You are, after all, journeying into one of our most magical areas.
There is accommodation and food to be found out here if you can believe it, and a mere 20-minute walk from there lies the Kerlingarfjöll hot spring. A flowing river much like Reykjadalur, you will hike upstream on a marked trail to find a choice spot here, and you will likely have the area mostly to yourself.
You are after all bathing in one of the best hot springs in Iceland, and in all of troll country combined. A rare treat for the intrepid traveler!

The Víti Crater Lake in Askja: Swimming in the mouth of a sleeping giant
No hot spring list would be complete without the addition of a swimming hole inside an actual volcano crater. Askja is a central highland favorite near the Dyngjufjöll mountains, which is easiest to access via guided tour, but it’s big enough that if you’re driving you are very unlikely to miss it.
In fact, its very name means “box” or “caldera” in Icelandic. This one is certainly a bucket list item for many, and one of the most unusual of the hot springs in Iceland.
Only safely accessible during certain months of the year- Askja has not erupted since 1961. Known for its larger eruption in 1875 that set off a wave of Icelandic emigration, Askja sent ash all over the countryside- and the wind carried it as far as Poland. This is an intensely studied place, however, and it is safe to visit.
Like all areas of geothermal activity, conditions may change at any time and are closely monitored. Depending on the situation at the time of your visit, it may or may not be possible to swim in the crater. It’s always good to check on these things in places like safetravel.is.
To reach the crater, you’ll find yourself trekking through places of year-round snow, colorful lava fields, and many geological reminders of how alive the earth underneath your feet once was, and still may be.
Wondrous though these sights are, they pale in comparison to the milky blue lake at the bottom of the caldera. If the weather is fair, you can attempt the path down into the crater to bathe in the 24°C sulfuric waters. There are no facilities out here, so don’t forget your towels!
Though Askja sleeps for now, you can spin and float in her opaque teal waters and know that she yet lives, bubbling away far under the earth. A swim truly unlike any other.

Mývatn Nature Baths: The north country’s favorite lagoon
Like milky blue Askja, the nearby neighbor Mývatn Nature Baths also boasts mineral-rich colorful water- and it’s one of our all-time favorite stops on a self-drive. Situated in a highly geothermal area, the Mývatn region is an incredible place to explore, and a part of the new “Diamond Circle”.
An area of vivid colors, fumaroles, gorgeous endless lakes, and thundering inland waterfalls, this area of Iceland is certainly one to have on your list.
You may even recognize some areas from popular film and television shows, or from popular Icelandic legends. With place names like Dimmuborgir and Drekagil, you can imagine what sorts of dragons must have passed through this place to create the scorched earth and stacks of lava that form it.

Located conveniently in a designated nature reserve, the Mývatn Nature baths are perfect for those that would rather not hike vertically up a rocky pass to change in the wild. Right off the main paved road, not only do they have a luxurious changing facility and shower area, but they also have a restaurant, facilities for families, and two steam baths.
Unlike the wild hot springs, there is a cost of admission for this experience. These facilities are accessible year-round, and the water is guaranteed to be between 36°C-40°C regardless of the season. The water that fills the lagoon is drawn from nearly 2,500 meters down and is said to be beneficial for a variety of skin ailments due to the high mineral content.
An excellent place to relax and luxuriate, Mývatn is certainly our northern pick for a no-fuss getaway in the middle of some of the most delicate nature that Iceland has to offer.
Landmannalaugar: “The People’s Pool”
Another of the highland natural hot springs, Landmannalaugar is the name of a popular multi-day hiking route in the Fjallabak Nature Reserve of the southern highlands. Known as the gateway for those that want to hike to Þórsmörk in the south, one absolutely must visit to understand the true scale and color of the place that has come to be known as Thor’s valley.
Like a few other geothermal areas, this is another well-known area of colorful rhyolite mountains. Multiple natural hot springs come together to form the warm brook where visitors can bathe. Named “The People’s Pool”, Landmannalaugar primarily draws hikers on their way through the popular summer trek of the same name, and is a true balm to weary muscles.
With waters that can reach up to 40ºC, it is advisable to check the ground before you take off your shoes as the mud can get quite hot in certain areas. The heat is not always evenly distributed, so it pays to be cautious. Especially if you need those feet to hike home!

Though Landmannalaugar is located in the sweet spot of the remote Iceland wilderness, there are actually some shelter and showering facilities to be found. The local custom before bathing (be it a city pool or a wild natural hot spring), is to completely shower before entering, when possible.
Of course in some circumstances, there are no facilities, and the custom takes a back seat. But do remember that these are wonders that are loved by many, and so it is expected that you keep the area neat and remove any trash or waste that you may create while visiting.
There are a few different hot springs here that create a natural brook, and because of the delicate ecosystem, it is recommended to use the wooden pathways when walking here. And no matter how dirty you may be after that hike- don’t forget to leave your soap in the showers!
The hot springs are a natural treasure, and we would like to keep them that way for all who wander to enjoy them. May The People’s Pool always remain as such, a pristine hideaway in the rainbow mountains of our diverse highland paradise.

Blue Lagoon: One of National Geographic’s 25 wonders of the world
It would be a massive oversight to complete a list about hot springs in Iceland without mentioning the most famous of them all, the breathtaking Blue Lagoon. The story of the Blue Lagoon begins in the ’80s when local residents started to bathe in the reservoir formed at the Svartsengi geothermal power plant nearby.
The water that came up from the deep chasms of the earth was milky blue and mineral-rich, and people started to notice that bathing in the geothermal seawater had many health benefits- aside from just being a good time. The Blue Lagoon became a topic of much study, and remains so today through their Research and Development center.

Eventually, the Blue Lagoon we know and love was formed. It has been updated a few times since those halcyon days, but remains true to the mysterious pool of sky blue wonder that it always was.
Located in the Reykjanes peninsula in between the Keflavik airport and our brand new live volcano, the Blue Lagoon is easy to access and sits right at the doorstep of a whole region of awe-inspiring exploration and protected geothermal areas.

Access to the Blue Lagoon does require paid admission, and this process happens by way of package selection, so that you can choose the lagoon experience you are the most interested in having.
Whether that be a dip and a jaunt through the moss field, or a fluffy bathrobe and private floating water massage affair, there are a multitude of choices there for you.
You can hang out in the stone grotto, or swim up to your neck while the crisp Icelandic wind kisses your face, or get a drink at one of the watering holes in the lagoon. (Big fan of the skyr smoothies, myself.)
Try out the silica and algae masks that the lagoon is famous for and grab a first-class meal in your bathrobe at the LAVA restaurant on your way out! Blue Lagoon has something for everyone, and it’s a gorgeous place to visit.

Seljavallalaug: the hot spring in the mountains
Often called one of Iceland’s oldest pools, (and sometimes confused with the Secret Lagoon for this reason) Seljavallalaug is a bit more traditionally shaped than some of the more natural hot springs on our list. Located near Seljavellir and Skógafoss on the south coast, this is a fairly straightforward stop as far as hot springs in Iceland go.
Fed by a geothermal hot spring like the others, Seljavallalaug has a border built around it that joins it to the mountain. This gives it a more man-made appearance in some respects, which the border wall itself of course is. But the natural hot spring is a gift of Iceland alone. (And the mountain that makes up one entire side of it!)
Though there are some small changing rooms on-site, there are no facilities or shops at the location itself. This is a wild place on private land that is graciously open to the public, and it is good to note that there are no lifeguards on duty, and the road is only partially paved.

There’s a short walk from the parking spot to the actual pool, but it is open 24 hours a day and there’s no admission to take a dip. The pool is constantly fed by the spring, and so the water cycles out on its own- maybe even slightly filtered or enhanced by the bright green algae and the remaining ash from nearby Eyjafjallajökull. But tucked away in the embrace of the mountains like it is, with a fresh mist hanging softly above it, it truly does feel like a place from a dream.
A magical place for a northern lights soak or a midnight sun dive, Seljavallalaug is a historical slice of old Iceland waiting for you in the great southern mountains below the glaciers. A pool that taught many locals how to brave the waters at sea, this is a great spot for a serene photo, or just a calm unwind at the end of a long day. (Or both!)

Landbrotalaug: Journey to the center of...Snaefellsnes!
This old favorite of ours is located on the scenic peninsula of Snaefellsnes, just two hours north of Reykjavík, and hosts two of the most romantic and remote hot springs yet. In the back fields of a long-abandoned farm, there are two small hot pots bubbling and waiting for you amongst the memory of residents past.
You’ll know you’re in the right place once you’ve found the farm “Skalg” sitting high and lonely on a hill after passing the Eldborg crater on the left. They’ve even gone and put up a sign for you, reading “HEIT LAUG” or “HOT SPRING”. You can leave your vehicle after this point and walk on down to find the pools.
When you find one, you’ll notice that there is a pond separating them, and you’ve got your choice of walking around it, or going straight through it on a tiny path of rocks placed by an intrepid adventurer before you. (I would walk around, but I’m a fan of sturdy pathways and dry socks.)

The first hot spring is fed by a pipe and is fairly shallow. The other is deep enough to cover you likely to your chest or neck and is the warmer of the two.
Though this is fairly unchallenging terrain, it is also rocky- so use caution while traversing the paths to the hot springs, as there are few places out here to go for first aid. (There are also no changing facilities out this way, so like many of the more remote hot springs in Iceland, you’ll have to come dressed or get creative out in the open air. At least you’ve got a nice warm hot spring waiting on you!)
The warmer and deeper of the two hot pots is just barely hidden by a small rock wall, which helps a bit with the possible wind, and of course, with the privacy.
Hopefully, you’ll be able to grab a moment alone, and maybe some northern lights if you’re here at the right time. This is a small little pool, perfect for the kind of quality time you might be looking for if you’ve brought someone special with you. Don’t worry- you can always take it back to the Bubble later.

Where the hot springs flow
This of course is not an exhaustive list of the hot springs in Iceland. Because of the nature of this volcanically formed and seismically manipulated landscape, new natural details are being revealed and created all the time.
The hot springs that you have loved the most on your past visits are always susceptible to change, and so every chance that you have to take a dip is worth the effort.
Beyond this, there are heated pools in nearly every town, and geothermal spas throughout the countryside with uniquely shaped baths and even barrels of heated beer that you can dive into!
Let us know what some of your favorite hot springs are, or what you’d like to hear about next!
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
Self-Drive Tours in Iceland, and why Adventurous Travellers choose them
Why choose Self-Drive tours in Iceland?
By Michael Chapman
Your Journey. Your Adventure. Your Pace.
Why choose Self-Drive tours in Iceland?
By Michael Chapman
Your Journey. Your Adventure. Your Pace.
Iceland boasts many beautiful sites and attractions; so many, in fact, that planning how best to see them can be a real challenge.
Many holiday-makers planning a trip to Iceland are put off by the idea of packed minibuses, travelling with strangers and following another’s schedule. Frankly, who can blame them?
One’s holiday should be time well spent, in the company of loved ones and friends fulfilling personal goals and ambitions. To ensure this dream becomes a reality, it is vital that visitors research exactly what they want to see and do long before arriving in the land of ice and fire.
One great way of easing these problems is to book self-drive tours in Iceland. Self-drive tours in Iceland are considered a separate type of package to your usual day tours, and are best suited to those adventurers looking to maximise their time in the country.
What is a Self-Drive tour in Iceland?

Travellers who value their independence abroad need look no further than Self-Drive tours in Iceland. These packages put you in the driver’s seat, equipped with a loose itinerary you are free to follow or ignore at your leisure.
Whereas many companies sell multi-day tours, we are the only travel operator who also includes overnight stays in our transparent bubbles. Not only that, but our vehicles are battery-charged Teslas; a follow-through on our commitment to protecting Iceland’s environment.
We take care of all the other arrangements, from the logistics of your trip, to your car and accommodation, leaving you free to enjoy your time in Iceland without the need to worry. Don’t skip over what a benefit this is; sorting out the right hotels and vehicles can be a real hassle when in the planning stages of a trip, and cause you stress before even leaving the house.
Of course, you’ll want to stick fairly closely to the routes we provide so as not to miss out on any of the unforgettable natural attractions and activities in store. But, specific activities aside, the road is yours to do with what you like.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
What does a Self-Drive tour offer over a Guided Tour?

There are countless reasons to choose multi-day self-drive tours in Iceland over guided day tours, the most important being the freedom and flexibility it provides guests.
Those with their own rental vehicle can more easily set the pace of their holiday. Not only can they spend as much time at each attraction as they like, but they can also make any diversions that seem interesting in the moment. This autonomy is clearly preferable to many people when compared to the regimented, twenty-minute stops so common on sightseeing tours.
Self-drive tours in Iceland allow for greater customisation and can more easily be adapted to fit your specific time schedule. If you were originally planning to be in Iceland for a long weekend, you might be interested in our 2-day or 3-day Self-Drive packages, for instance, which cover many exciting stops in West and South Iceland.
From our offices in Iceland’s capital, Reykjavik, we provide you with a state-of-the-art Tesla vehicle, an exciting and action-packed itinerary, and personal support throughout your trip.
If there are particular aspects of a Self-Drive tour that you would like to change, it is merely a matter of browsing the countless excursions we offer, or contacting us directly to set about pairing the right package with you.
What will I see on a Self-Drive tour in Iceland?

As we’ve mentioned, Self-Drive tours cover a far greater number of attractions than specific day tours, which focus on only one or two sites. You can find Self-Drive tours that take you around the entire country, or are more specific to certain regions.
The majority of our tours will see you exploring West and South Iceland, both of which are famous for their incredible scenery and countless points of interest.
For example, you might choose a tour that sees you spend the first day experiencing the Golden Circle route, home to Thingvellir National Park, Geysir hot spring and Gullfoss waterfall.
On your second day, you’ll visit the South Coast. This gorgeous stretch of coastline includes the waterfalls Seljalandsfoss and Skogafoss, and the black sand beach, Reynisfjara. Nature lovers and photographers alike will find the south a true paradise, and is far more enjoyably explored at one’s own leisure.
The fun goes well beyond sightseeing, however. There is always the opportunity to add specific activities to your tour that will lead you to entirely new destinations. These could be anything, from horse riding through the quaint rural meadows of West Iceland, or a thrilling ATV ride at the base of Mount Esja.
There are many other examples. If you decide you’d like to try your hand at cold water snorkelling, you’ll discover the crystal-clear glacial spring, Silfra Fissure. If you decide to go snowmobiling, you’ll find yourself speeding across the white expanse of Langjokull ice cap.
Sleep in a Bubble in Iceland

All of our Self-Drive tours come with at least one overnight stay in our transparent bubbles, among the most unique and appealing accommodation choices in the country. Able to sleep up to two people, these fantastic arrangements allow visitors to enjoy a 360-degree view of their surroundings; the woods and hillsides of Olvisholt.
During the winter, our bubbles double up as private observatories, providing guests the chance to watch the Northern Lights from the comfort of their beds. In the summer, the Midnight Sun bathes the landscape golden into the morning, so we will be sure to provide you with a sleep mask to help you ensure a restful night.
Another nice addition is Olvisholt brewery, only a short walk away from our bubbles. This means you can sample fine Icelandic beverages late into the evening without having to worry about driving.
With all this mind, it seems mad not to opt for a Self-Drive adventure when travelling in Iceland. Not only do these tours offer enhanced personal freedom, but also countless opportunities to see this island’s most beloved natural attractions, and the chance to stay in one of the world’s most unique accommodations.
Make sure to check out our wide selection of Self-Drive tours and packages here. If you don’t see something that fits your particular criteria, make sure to contact us directly.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
10 of our favorite Icelandic beers
10 of our favorite Icelandic beers
By Taylor van Biljon
When you’re kicking back in luxury in one of our private Bubbles- nothing chases the Northern Lights quite like a cold Icelandic beer.
10 of our favorite Icelandic beers
By Taylor van Biljon
When you’re kicking back in luxury in one of our private Bubbles- nothing chases the Northern Lights quite like a cold Icelandic beer.
10 Icelandic beers was no small feat to choose- because Iceland is full of artisanal microbreweries, beer pubs, and culinary treats for any palate. So instead of ranking them outright, we’ve chosen a few special favorites, that any beer enthusiast should seek out on their Icelandic adventure.
Because what goes better with relaxing, than a cold Nordic brew?
1. Lava (Smoked Imperial Stout 9.4% ABV) - brewed by Ölvisholt Brugghús, Selfoss

This old dairy farm was repurposed into a microbrewery by two farmers with a passion for good brews. Because of that passion- you can enjoy this and many of their other beers right outside of your own Bubble, as they’re just in our backyard! Make sure to book ahead to tour the brewery, and walk right over to try one of their award winning brews.
One of our favorites is Lava, a smoky black beer with a thick brown head, named for the slumbering Hekla volcano that you can see from the brewery, and the Bubble. With delicacies like this, it’s not a stretch to say that they’re our favorite neighbor.
(Don’t have room in your schedule for a brewery visit? Add our “little treat” package to your booking and we’ll have 6 bottles of Ölvisholt deliciousness chilled and waiting for you in your Bubble!)
2. Icelandic White Ale (Wheat Beer/Witbier 5.2% ABV) - brewed by Einstök Ölgerð, Akureyri
On a quest to make the best white ale of all time- the Icelandic White Ale by Einstök was born. This brew brings hints of coriander and orange peel to the table, along with rich Bavarian noble hops. This beer has brought home many awards, including Double Gold status at the 2018 New York International Beer Competition, not to mention Einstök’s “Iceland Brewery of the Year” award, which is high praise in a country with so many brewmasters.
Brewed just 60 miles south of the Arctic Circle, all of Einstök’s ice cold brews taste great from the warmth of your own Bubble, wrapped in a frosty Icelandic night, counting endless stars.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
3. Nr. 8.2 Surtur (Imperial Stout 14.5% ABV) - brewed by Borg Brugghús, Reykjavik

Named for Surtur, who is said in ancient text to come from the south, wielding a flaming sword to end the world in Ragnarök. This rings true, as this Surtur comes from Borg Brewery in sunny Reykjavik, and may be the end of your searching for Imperial Stouts! Wielding undertones of burn sugar and fire roasted corn, we chose this Surtur for its aging process in bourbon casks.
An award winning favorite, there are multiple Surturs (you will know them by the numbers on the label), and each tells a different tale. While you recline in undisturbed peace in your Bubble- see if you can try them all! (And report back on your favorite- we might need the info to resolve a few discussions.)
4. Kaldi Blond (Pilsner/Czech 5% ABV) - brewed by Bruggsmiðjan Kaldi, Árskógssandur
Kaldi is a classic, and happens to be one of the most sold bottled beers in all of Iceland, so you know we’re drinking it. This was the first blond brew to come out of Bruggsmiðjan Kaldi, so it is a bit special to us. Brewed in the Czech Pilsner tradition, Kaldi is labeled this way, but can also be described as a Lager. Made from pristine mountain spring water in northern Árskógssandur, Kaldi is one of the first microbreweries to begin on our little island. Pick up a Kaldi in any bar, and don’t forget to bring a few back to the Bubble, like a true Icelander!
5. Víking Gylltur (Lager/American 5.6% ABV) - brewed by Víking Brewery/Vifilfell, Akureyki & Reykjavik

Picture it- you’re at the bar in a busy little Icelandic pub, looking over the taps, and everybody’s got a frothy golden pint of Víking. Is this lager a rare find? Perhaps not- but it IS the true Icelandic experience of nights out, nights in, and all other manner of memory. Kick up your feet like a local and give thanks- for Víking is not only available on tap in your favorite watering hole- it’s also available to go from the nearest Vínbúðin! And just like a true Víking from the tales of old- it gets the job done, and comes home golden.
6. First Lady (IPA/American 5.7% ABV) - brewed by Lady Brewery, Reykjavik & South Iceland

Another southern treasure, Lady Brewery is the first all-female run microbrewery in town. A sustainable brewhouse that cares about their home and their impact, Lady Brewery takes care to work closely with Icelandic farmers for their ingredients, and partners with handpicked local businesses. This aptly named first brew is not just a delicious memory of summer- but it is also an investment in the future of good work, good ideas, and good beer.
7. Eilífur (Pilsner/German 5.2% ABV) - Ölverk Pizza & Brugghús, Hveragerði

Another notable neighbor, Ölverk Pizza & Brugghús is a must see. Not only do they care about the careful crafting of good beers, but also pizza! (Who doesn’t love pizza and beer?) Their family owned microbrewery is powered by geothermal energy and tucked away in the steamy town of Hveragerði- a place where you can bake bread in the ground! We’ve chosen their golden German style Pilsner Eilífur as our favorite, but they have a shade and flavor for every taste. Call in advance for a tour and pizza tasting- or even learn how to brew yourself!
8. Álfur Belgian White (Wheat Beer/Witbier 5.2% ABV) - brewed by Álfur Brugghús, Kópavogur
Big fans of seasonal change and holidays, the crew over at Álfur are always working hard to produce new brews to mark the time. Their Belgian White is a spicy, citrusy classic- but depending on when you are here, they may have something special out! Don’t forget to check- because true to their name, one should raise an elven brew to your hidden neighbors when staying out in our wild countryside Bubbles. Maybe leave one out for them as well- you never know.
9. Kisi (Pale Ale/New England 5.5% ABV) - brewed by Malbygg, Reykjavik

Another Reykjavik treasure, Malbygg has put out a number of hits- but Kisi is a big favorite! Citrusy and hoppy with a hint of pineapple- Kisi is certainly a holiday brew if there ever was one. Don’t forget to call ahead for a brewery tour if you want to see where it comes from, and definitely don’t forget to snap a photo- Malbygg’s label art is top notch, and looks great in front of a glowing luxury Bubble hideout.
10. Tómatbjór (Tomato Beer) (Wheat Beer/Witbier 4.8% ABV) - brewed by Ægisgarður for Friðheimar, Reykjavik and Reykholt

Just nearby in the Golden Circle, is Friðheimar, an ultimate Icelandic experience. Famous for their horses and their voluminous greenhouses that you can feast on tomato themed dishes in- you won’t be surprised to hear that among their many tomato treats, they ALSO host tomato brews! Brewed for them in Reykjavik by Ægisgarður, these brews are special and may change depending on season and availability. Dining at Friðheimar is phenomenal on its own- but to finish a tomato lunch with a tomato dessert and a tomato brew? Unparalleled. (Look out for the green tomato and cucumber beers as well- a taste adventure all on its own, just 45 km. away from your Bubble!
A Fresh Brewed Tip:

Iceland loves seasons! Keep an eye out for the release of the long awaited holiday beers like Jóla Bjórs at Christmas or Páska Bjórs during Easter. If you visit us in the summer, make like an Icelander and get out there in the Midnight Sun to enjoy a brew on your Sumarfrí (Summer holiday)! Around this time, many breweries release a limited summer inspired beer to celebrate the return of the sun, and the warmer weather. You’ll want to enjoy a few of these fleeting treats before pulling on your sleeping mask for a bright snooze in your Bubble!
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
Discover the Icelandic Highlands | Iceland's Untamable Oasis
About The Icelandic Highlands
By Michael Chapman
It’s time to discover Iceland’s wildest region…
About The Icelandic Highlands
By Michael Chapman
It’s time to discover Iceland’s wildest region…
Iceland’s largest and innermost region is a vast plateau of glacial mountainsides, geothermal springs and untameable wilderness.
Of course, most of the Highlands constitutes empty black desert, which in many ways, is as striking as the scenery around it.
Despite these dark plains being subject to glacial flooding, water filters through the rock so quickly here that plant-growth is impossible. The lush and green areas famous in travel photographs are normally found along rivers that run from the plateau’s highest elevations.

Aside from its natural splendour, the Highlands are revered for their place in history, having served as a crucial trading pass for many centuries.
However, the inhospitality of the land has meant that Icelanders never chose to settle their country’s highest plateaus, instead remaining on coastal settlements where food was plentiful and the weather more temperate.
The Highlands lack the infrastructure of Iceland’s more widely trodden tourist trails, making it impossible to explore the area in winter without the leadership of a professional guide.
Top locations in the Icelandic Highlands
Despite their relative inaccessibility during Iceland’s winter, the region is home to countless attractions worthy of any explorer’s appreciation.

In Icelandic, Landmannalaugar translates to ‘Pools of the People’. This name can be traced to the many naturally-formed geothermal pools that dot the region; bubbling hot pots that served warm relief both for the shepherd’s flock, and the shepherd himself, in bygone times.
Today, tourists have taken their place, so for that reason, it’s always a good idea to bring along a towel should you find one of these pools during your visit.
Landmannalaugar is famed for its rhyolite hillsides; shingly slopes that reflect the passing sunlight, and appear to shift in colour accordingly. This dazzling spectacle is enough reason to pay Landmannalaugar a visit, though there are many other attractions nearby, including Mount Brennisteinsalda and Bláhnjúkur volcano.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person

Named after the Norse God of Thunder, this dramatic Highlands oasis is entirely surrounded by glaciers and mountains. In fact, it is located directly between the glaciers, Tindfjallajökull, Mýrdalsjökull and Eyjafjallajökull, making for impressive framing to any viewpoints you come across.
Thorsmork serves as the beginning of the day-long Fimmvörðuháls hiking trail, a gorgeous and beginner-friendly route that sees its guests arriving in the tiny village of Skógar.

Maelifell is a photographer’s dream. A cone-shaped mountain that rises from the empty black dunes around it, its slopes are covered with a thick green moss during the summer, creating fantastic colour tones. In the winter months, however, the mountain stands above all else like a towering stalagmite of ice.
If you want to learn more about this fascinating mountain, make sure to read our feature article Mælifell Volcano | Secret Treasures of the Icelandic Highlands.
Even though Herdubreid is a feast for the eyes, it is not considered among Iceland’s most famous mountains. This lack of appreciation must be due to its remote Highlands location rather than its dramatic aesthetic; steep slopes rise up to a wide rocky plateau, a mountain seemingly inspired by the mythic locations found in Norse Mythology
Officially, Herdubreid is a tuya mountain, and is located as part of Vatnajökull National Park. Icelanders will often refer to it as ‘The Queen of Icelandic Mountains’ due to its striking form, and indeed, it has sheltered numerous outlaws over the island’s 1000 years of settlement.
Visitors here will have fantastic views of Ódáðahraun desert, and will also have a chance of seeing Askja volcano, if they’re willing to make a short detour,Surrounded by the oasis of Herðubreiðarlindir, the area is great for camping, as well as visiting Vatnajökull National Park to the south.
Top Activities in the Icelandic Highlands
Sightseeing is the main reason why people choose to visit the Icelandic Highlands, bolstered by the opportunity to snap some incredible photographs of their experience.
However, there is a wealth of other activities to keep one entertained in the Highlands, and partaking in any of them is sure to heighten your time in the area.
Snowmobiling in the Icelandic Highlands

If there is one activity that’s sure to get the heart-racing wherever it takes place, it’s taking a snowmobile and speeding off towards the horizon. It just so happens that the wide valley of Thorsmork makes for one of the most visually striking environments in Iceland, adding a litany of reasons why you should choose to snowmobile there rather than elsewhere.
At certain points during your snowmobiling tour, your guide will pull everybody over to dismount their snowmobiles and appreciate various sights enroute. Among the most extraordinary is the extinct volcano Einhyrningur, or Mt. Unicorn, named after the large, horn-like protrusion that rises from its slopes.
If mountains don’t tickle your fancy—and if not, why not?—then perhaps the gargantuan gorge, Stakkholtsgjá, will satisfy. With towering cliff sides that seem to drop without end, you’ll quickly realise just how high up you are in comparison to the rest of your time in the land of ice and fire.
If you’re not one for heights, then fear not; you’ll be back snowmobiling in no time!
Hiking the Laugavegur trail

The Laugavegur trail shares a name with Reykjavik’s most busy shopping street, which can cause a little bit of confusion when planning a hiking trip. If you find yourself, walking-poles in hand, stomping purposefully past a variety of Puffin-themed souvenir shops, restaurants and bars, you’ve arrived at the wrong place and should act accordingly.
The actual Laugavegur trail is far more remarkable, least of all because of the challenge it provides, and more due to the spectacular scenery from beginning to end.
Open between June and September each year, one can expect a well-marked route with enough foot traffic that getting lost along the way would be quite the feat.
Covering 55 kilometres in total, Laugavegur boasts eclectic natural highlights, from raging river rapids to gnarled lava fields and stretches of obsidian emptiness.
Note that the Laugavegur trail can take anywhere between 3-8 days to hike, depending on your speed and level of physical fitness. This distance makes Laugavegur longer than the nearby Fimmvörðuháls pass mentioned above.
There are currently six overnight cabins that are operated by the Iceland Touring Association, Ferðafélag Íslands, making it easy to rest up at the end of each day.
Horse riding in the Highlands

Another brilliant method of experiencing the Icelandic Highlands is from atop the saddle. Frankly, Icelandic horses are the only means of transportation that can compete with the 4x4s so commonly spotted around the island as these miraculous and genetically pure animals have become well-adapted to the environment over preceding centuries.
Icelandic horse tours are as suitable for beginners as they are experienced riders, and you’ll find your guides will help you and your steed to keep a pace that fits your skill level.
Driving in the Icelandic Highlands

Summer visitors are free to explore the Icelandic Highlands as part of their holiday, but they must remember a few crucial facts before they do so.
First of all, a 4×4 vehicle should be considered critical to your journey. If you consider this point dismissable, expect to find yourself trapped in the middle of nowhere, struggling to secure a network connection on your phone so as to call the rescue services.
All roads in the Highlands are gravel and mountainous thoroughfares that normal cars are simply not able to conquer. On top of that, there are countless ridges and river crossings that pose a challenge, even to the most experienced driver-guides.
Have you ever wondered why you see so many Superjeeps and large-wheeled titan wagons when travelling around Iceland? Rugged terrain like that found in the Icelandic Highlands is the exact reason why.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
Is it safe to travel to Iceland?
Is it safe to travel to Iceland?
By Michael Chapman
Despite being amongst the safest nations worldwide, there are still some things to watch out for in Iceland...
Is it safe to travel to Iceland?
By Michael Chapman
Despite being amongst the safest nations worldwide, there are still some things to watch out for in Iceland...
Currently, the world is facing the backend of an unprecedented global crisis; one that has cost lives, one that uprooted the very fabric of society.
Restrictions on international travel has seen the tourism industries of every country take a hit. Iceland, whose economy relies on a yearly influx of travellers, is no exception. Here at home, there is some debate as to the right course of action; some wish to reopen borders as soon as possible, others point at the domestic cases as a reason to keep them closed.
Whatever one’s view on the matter, there is good reason to be optimistic.
Despite the litany of issues that have arisen during their roll-out, vaccination programmes are underway across the world, signalling light at the end of the tunnel.
The Icelandic government expects the vast majority of its citizens to be vaccinated by late-July; what-would-be the peak tourist season is previous years.
Daring, once again, to dream of future escapades abroad, people have started to tentatively ask the question, ‘Is it safe to travel to Iceland?’ Well, we hope this article might bring some clarity on the situation…
Why is Iceland so safe?

Iceland routinely ranks first on the Global Peace Index thanks to a lack of crime and historic aversion to conflict.
The country’s one major city, Reykjavik, is known to be among the safest capitals on the planet.
Strolling its quaint, wind-swept streets, most visitors can’t help but feel a general sense of tranquillity in the air; it’s one of those places that’s strikingly timeless, as if trapped in a less noisy, chaotic era.
Of course, ugly incidents do occur from time to time in the city, but crime figures demonstrate they are more sporadic than many other urban environments elsewhere.
Another major reason for Iceland’s comparative safety is its lack of people. One must remember that little more than 360,000 people call this entire country home; about the population of a fairly small town in England.
Given this pint-sized nation and culture, a neighbourly attitude has developed amongst fellow countrymen over the years.
Aside from that, criminals are almost immediately recognised, meaning there is very little room to behave in dastardly ways for too long.

It would be an understatement to write that Iceland is welcoming of travellers in the LGBTQ community. Iceland is among the most LGBTQ friendly countries in the world.
Not only do most citizens pride themselves on both progressive politics and the pursuit of equality, but they put their words into action. Do not forget that Iceland was the first country to elect a gay Prime Minister, Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, who served in office from to 2009 to 2013.

Same-sex couples have been allowed the same access to IVF and adoption as straight couples since 2006.
Under Sigurðardóttir’s leadership, gay couples were finally granted the right to marry in 2010, and legislation was passed that helped to codify how trans people go about changing their identity.
In Reykavik, there are several gay bars in which to relax and socialise, including the likes of Gaukurrin and Kíkí Queer Bar. However, anyone and everyone is, of course, welcome to dine and drink wherever they wish in the city.
Whichever establishment you choose, you’ll be welcomed with open arms, (and, in all likelihood, a rather hefty bill… some things never change.)
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person

Congratulations! After all that trouble, you’ve finally set foot in the Land of Ice and Fire.
As is to be expected, there are hazards worth paying attention to that have absolutely nothing to do with the coronavirus pandemic at all. Frankly, Iceland is quite capable of being dangerous and deadly without the incursion of a viral outsider.
We encourage everyone to get out there and explore the very best sites that Iceland has to offer, as long as it is done so in a safe and sensible way.
To make sure you remain on the healthy-side throughout your visit, pay special attention to the top 10 tips we here at Bubble have picked out for you.
1) Respect Iceland’s Nature

Whilst beautiful, unique and incredibly dramatic, both Iceland’s climate and landscape poses untold dangers for those who do not respect it.
The vast majority of Iceland is uninhabited, leaving enormous swathes of mountain ranges, volcanic desert and lava fields between one village to another.
It is these wilderness zones that many natural attractions are also found; a fact that comes with inherent risks for those travelling to them.
2) Dress for the weather

Who would have thought that one of the most important contributions to enjoying your holiday in Iceland happens before you even arrive?
Packing your suitcase is, arguably, more important when the Land of Ice and Fire happens to be your destination, if only because of the weather and terrain you’ll find there.
One of the most commonly shared facts about Iceland remains as true as ever; the weather here is flagrantly interchangeable.
One minute, you’ll be enjoying a warm summer’s day out, only to be suddenly shaken by the intrusion of gusty rainfall.
As I write this, the sun outsides shines through a break in the grey clouds; heavy snow pushes by, horizontal and fast on the North Arctic wind.
The weather doesn’t appear to know what it wants to be, and it’s far more often that way than not.

Thinking about the right footwear is equally important to the rest of your clothing as much of Iceland’s terrain is rough; rocky ledges, steep gullies, narrow pathways and loose footing all make up the topography of this wild and mystic land.
Those planning on hiking in such an environment should count a sturdy pair of boots as a necessity. If you don’t already have a pair in the cupboard, then you’ll need to get yourself down to the shoe shop right away.
Even in Reykjavik, where the city streets are tarmacked and the sidewalks are paved in concrete, danger always lurks its head, this time in the form of unseen ice.
3) Rent a 4x4 when travelling into the Highlands

The Highlands of Iceland are a beautiful and dramatic region worthy of exploration by any daring traveller hoping to remove themselves from the beaten track.
The shimmering and colourful geothermal hillsides of Landmannalaugar are a sight to behold during summer, when the Midnight Sun glints off the shingle, whilst the cragged canyons of Thorsmork make for truly dramatic scenery
4) Watch your alcohol intake

Alright, so without straying too far into sanctimoniousness, there’s no denying that alcohol tends to be involved when unfortunate incidents occur.
Icelanders are no different from the travellers that frequent the same bars; they love a good drink, love a good, social time, and Reykjavik at the weekend makes for a great party city.
As the evening progresses, however, overtly drunk and obnoxious characters are not uncommon, and are best avoided if you’re trying to enjoy a late stroll around the city.
Understand, some people are capable of getting drunk, or being drunk, without posing much of a threat to those around them, but it never hurts to be vigilant, especially when abroad.
5) Do not climb on icebergs or glaciers without a guide

Given their slippery terrain, instability and gargantuan size, it should be evident to everyone that climbing atop icebergs, glacial tongues, or venturing into ice caves alone is both entirely forbidden and rather foolish.
For one, these environments require years of expertise to navigate them safely.
Glaciers are rife for unseen crevasses and sinkholes that pose incredible risks to those who do not follow safely in the footsteps of their guide.
Icebergs, on the other hand, can quickly roll over in the water, knocking anyone on top of them into the cold depths of Jokulsarlon glacier lagoon.
Finally, ice caves in Iceland are composed of countless tunnels that lie beneath anyone of the country’s glaciers.
Not only are these caves subject to melting in warmer temperatures, but at greater depths, emanate noxious gases that are lethal when inhaled.
6) Keep back from the waves at Reynisfjara black sand beach

Reynisfjara is one of South Iceland’s most beloved sites; a stretch of dark volcanic shoreline laid out beside the minute coastal village, Vik i Myrdal.
Complete with towering sea cliffs, hexagonal rock formations and the huge basalt stack, Reynisdrangar, Reynisfjara is arguably one of the most unique and beautiful non-tropical beaches in the world.
With all this beauty on offer around you, it is possible you’ll miss the many warning signs that dot the coastline here warning of huge sneaker waves capable of dragging unsuspecting guests into the ocean.
Such incidents are not merely hypothetical, but have happened far too many times to count.
If you were looking to learn more about the dangers present at Reynisfjara, make sure to read our feature article, About Iceland’s Breathtaking Black Sand Beach.
7) Keep your driving speed down

Driving slowly is especially important during the wintertime when conditions can be more than a little challenging.
Heavy snowfall and rain, permeating mist and all-encompassing darkness can make your time on the road more difficult than expected.
When you leave the city boundaries behind, you’ll find that traffic throughout much of Iceland is pretty minimal. With clear roads ahead, the temptation to speed can raise his head, but resist the urge, remembering that those caught by police or speed cameras are subject to heavy fines.
Let’s face it; you’ve probably paid enough for your holiday experience without adding onto it for no good reason.
8) Don’t stray too close to geothermal sites
There is a big difference between geothermal hot springs and geothermal hot pools. Mistaking the two can be deadly; at the very least, capable of causing a traveller great injury.
Iceland’s most famous hot spring, Strokkur at Geysir geothermal valley, is roped off to prevent guests from stepping too close. The same situation can be seen at Europe’s most powerful hot spring, Deildartunguhver, and the Martian likes landscapes of Námaskarð Pass, which can be seen nearby Lake Myvatn.
9) Keep checking the weather forecast

As we’ve mentioned, there is no knowing what the weather will do in Iceland from one minute to the next.
Not much can be done to combat this unpredictably, save the packing tips above, but there is another small piece of preparation one can do each day to help maximise their chances of sightseeing and adventuring in good weather.
With that said, it is best to plan your days around when meteorologists promise serene conditions, rather than, say, snowstorms or heavy rainfall.
To do this, make sure to pay a visit to the website, Vedur.is, where you will have climate information for the week provided for you.
10) Know the emergency information

If, at any point during your travels, you find yourself in a sticky situation, know that 112 is the contact number for the Icelandic emergency services. Dispatchers are available 365 days a year, 24/7, providing much needed assistance to those who require it.
112 will connect you with the Icelandic police service, fire service and rescue teams; three professional and experienced organisations well-equipped in handling the difficulties of the Icelandic environment.
There are other numbers that you can reach the same services by: 444-1000 for the police, 570-5900 for search and rescue. If you require immediate medical care, you can contact the Hospital and E.R at 543-2000.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
Everything you need to know about majestic Icelandic Horses
By Michael Chapman
Don’t judge a horse by its size, but its character.
Everything you need to know about Icelandic Horses
By Michael Chapman
Don’t judge a horse by its size, but its character.
Icelandic horses are a beautiful and unique breed native to the land of ice and fire. These four-legged friends are famous worldwide for their curious nature, slight build and resilience to the elements.
If you were ever pressed to name an Icelandic superstar, one could not blame you for blanking on famous names. But, if the same question was posed ‘with four legs’ as an addition, no doubt the words Icelandic horse would leap to your mind.

Yes, indeed, Icelandic horses rival Atlantic Puffins, Whales and even Arctic Foxes for the coveted prize of this island’s most iconic animal. Where horses win out is their long-standing relationship with people throughout history. It is a working bond that remains to this day, one which pays homage to this animals’ nickname ‘a most useful servant’.
Given the distances they have travelled with us, the burdens they have carried, and the nourishment they have provided, it’s hard to deny these animals rightfully deserve the esteem we praise upon them. With that said, let’s learn more about these fascinating animals and their critical and historic role in Iceland’s culture and environment.
What are the traits of Icelandic Horses?

When most people think of Icelandic horses, they remember them to be of more diminutive stature. Generally, Icelandic horses grow to around the size of ponies, though they boast far more robust, more muscular bodies.
Resilient to diseases in their native Iceland, this particular breed is known for its longevity, a trait that has led to solid bonding between animal and man ever since the settlers first brought horses over from Norway in the 10th century.
Icelandic horses can come in over 100 colour varieties, each of which has its corresponding Icelandic word. Four colours are found more commonly than others; chestnut, black, brown and white.
According to some equestrians, prospective riders can assess a horse’s personality through its colouring alone; brown horses are stable on their feet, white are calm and reliable, while chestnut can have lively dispositions. Curious travellers will have to stop by a stable on their visit to check the veracity of these claims, of course.
Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person
Five unique gaits of the Icelandic horse

The Icelandic horse differentiates itself from other horse breeds through its natural ability to gait in five ways. For laypeople, a gait is the natural manner of walking for a horse or any animal. Icelandic horses can fluidly perform gaits known as the walk, the trot, the canter, the tölt, and the flying pace.
The walk, the trot and the canter are common to all horses, but the last two make Icelandic horses stand out from the crowd. Both are fast movements, with the flying pace capable of reaching 30 mph. In Iceland, any horse rider who can successfully perform the flying pace is said to have mastered the art of the saddle.
What is the History of Horses in Iceland?

During these formative years, in the earliest days that Norsemen first civilised this dark and inhospitable land, horses were considered symbols of fertility and routinely sacrificed as part of elaborate religious ceremonies and banquets.
Readers of Norse Mythology will likely remember the proud eight-legged steed, Sleipnir, who the legends claim could only be tamed by Odin, the All-father, himself.
Beyond mere mythology, horses were considered prized possessions during Medieval times in Iceland. We know for a scientific fact that clan leaders, known as Godar, were often buried alongside their horses, showing a kinship rarely seen through archaeological evidence.
More cruelly, horses were often pitted against one another in deliberate battles to the death during this period, serving as avatars for opposing clans looking to settle their disputes.
In the centuries that followed the initial settlement of Iceland, a blend of natural selection and selective breeding formed these animals into those we see today. Natural selection came in the form of severe famines that have struck Iceland at various times in its history, as well as the often inhospitable winter weather and even volcanic eruptions.
What are the breeding regulations for Icelandic horses?

With all this in mind, it is, perhaps, little surprise that the import and export of Icelandic horses is subject to strict regulations; measures imposed to protect the breed’s genetic purity.
Rules are so strict, in fact, that any horse that leaves Iceland is forbidden from returning. In the opposite case, Iceland does not allow any other species of horse into the country. While these rules might seem to fly in the face of biodiversity, it is crucial to ensure that 1000 years of untampered breeding can continue without obstacle.
There are approximately 80,000 or so horses in Iceland currently, just less than a quarter of the total number of people living here. The largest population of Icelandic horses outside of the country is in Germany, where the breed is increasingly popular with riding clubs and breeders.
Can you go Horseback Riding in Iceland?

Discovering Iceland’s countryside by horseback is, perhaps, the most authentic and thrilling means of sightseeing visitors can partake in. Equestrian centres and stables across Iceland are well-practised leading beginners and experts alike on tours, and will do their utmost to partner riders with an animal of suitable temperament.
Horseback riding tours can be undertaken regardless of the season. Summer allows for long evenings under the rays of the Midnight Sun, revealing beneath it a landscape of mossy lava rock, sweeping mountain plains and trickling glacial rivers.
If you should stop by in winter, prepare for terrains reminiscent of Narnia; utterly bejewelled, twinkling and calm. That is, of course, if it’s not otherwise shrouded in the dramatic mist and sleet that comes hand-in-hand with the season. Regardless of when you choose to visit for your horseback riding tour, the landscapes of Iceland are sure to delight and inspire awe in all places.

Travelling to Iceland?
Check our overnight tours with a driver guide that includes a one night stay in a bubble.*Starting from ISK 74.900 per person