The Team

Robert Robertsson

Robert Robertsson er framkvæmdastjóri. Hefur verið frumkvöðull í 26 ár í ýmsum rekstri. Hann er með B.Sc. gráðu frá Viðskiptaháskólanum í Kaupmannahöfn í alþjóðaviðskiptum.

Attila Balatoni

Attila Balatoni leads the team of driver/guides. He has extensive experience from service oriented management position in Canada and Hungary. He holds university degrees in law and politics.


Brittany leads all the administration and planning work in the office. She is from Boston in USA but has been living in Iceland for 4 years.

Company information

Flotferðir ehf (Flotferdir ltd)

Formerly known as Floating Tours ( We are not operating any floating tours anymore. Now we operate as Buubble Tours only.

Reg. Nr. 631014-0890

VAT nr: 122908

Legal address:

Frostaskjol 11

107 Reykjavik, Iceland


We are licensed as a travel agency